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Beomgyu, Lei, Lisa, Sara, and Ji Ah all sat around the art room as they set up candles.

"Let's all just... stay here for a while, until the morning." Sara suggested quietly.

"If we even make it to the morning." Lisa whispered as she stared at the ground.

There's so much they had thought about for the past twenty minutes.

In less than a few seconds they were down to five.

Many of their friends were all dead. In just a few minutes.

Now the only two adults in the room were Lei and Beomgyu, and they had the full responsibility to take care of the two six-year-olds and the sassy fourteen-year-old.

Lei had stopped talking since Naya dropped to the ground outside, and all they could do was run for what they could see.

"It's a good idea to stay here until daytime, at least until we can get to the boats tomorrow." Beomgyu said softly as he adjusted a candle on the table.

He looked over at Lei in worry as she stared at her hands.

"He's going to take her with him."

Beomgyu's eyebrows furrowed as he wondered what she had meant.

"He's taking them all with him. I saw a trail of blood, from Ms. Sally's office. He takes them. I don't know where. But he does." She whispered as she crossed her arms over her chest to suppress the cold she was feeling.

"What if we... follow it?" Ji Ah asked as she looked at the two adults.

They both turned to look at her at the sound of her voice and thought for a while.

"We could find a way to kill it." She shrugged as she raised her eyebrows in innocence.

"That sounds great Ji Ah, and then we get killed trying." Lisa rolled her eyes sarcastically making Lei look at her.

"Lisa. Don't."

Lisa looked away as she crossed her arms.

"That's actually not bad." Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows as he stood up from his seat, walking over to the stairs in front of the office.

He stared at the trail of blood that stopped midway and felt something click in his head.

"Lisa, do you remember the story Ms. Sally told us last year?"

"Which one? She tells us so many."

"The one about the man in the woods." Beomgyu raised his eyebrows as he looked at her.

She narrowed her eyes in thought as she tilted her head. Suddenly her eyes brightened, and she nodded her head.

"The one about the flowers?"

Beomgyu hummed as he nodded his head.

"Flowers?" Lei questioned as she watched Beomgyu pace about the room.

His head was clouded as he crossed his arms.

"The man was living in the forest, but he had a cave, where he kept special things about himself. A flower was one of them-"

"Are you saying the man that Ms. Sally was talking about is this monster thing?"

Beomgyu shrugged his shoulders as he looked out the window again.

"How would Ms. Sally know about that?"

"She's been coming here for years. It's a legend. She never said she made it up." Beomgyu stated as he waved his finger.

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