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Beomgyu took advances with a limping Lei as they walked towards the monster, approaching it first before it could approach them.

He spotted a big stick on the ground and grabbed it with caution, before bringing it back to slam at the monster, but it wasn't the same as it was when he hit it with a bat.

This time it wasn't distracted.

It grabbed the stick in its claw hand and pulled it out of Beomgyu's grip, making him stare in shock.

They stared at each other for less than a second before the monster pounced at Beomgyu, making everyone let out a scream.

Beomgyu was thrown to the ground with the monster on top of him.

He felt its claws dig into his sides, making him groan out in pain.

"Beomgyu!" Lei called out with tears in her eyes as he struggled and kicked to get the monster off of him.

Beomgyu stared at the creature as he felt himself get lightheaded from the loss of blood.

He felt tears in his eyes as he couldn't feel anything else but agony.

The monster seemed to be satisfied with its work, but it didn't last long.

Lei was quick to react and grabbed the stick it had dropped before, slamming it against the monster's head in a crazy attempt to get it's attention.

"Lisa! Come on!" She urged as the monster turned to look at her, getting off Beomgyu to slowly reach for her.

Ji Ah and Sara stared in fear as they held on to each other, watching the monster approach Lei.

Lisa hesitated but she grabbed a notebook from the backpack, before passing it to Ji Ah.

"Use this." She said quickly, giving the slightly older child the lighter, who stared at it in shock. "You know how to use it."

"No, I don't! Don't leave us!" Ji Ah cried desperately as she and Sara watched Lisa approach the monster's back with unsure steps.

Lei tried not to look anywhere else but the face of her attacker as she endured the pain she felt from her injured leg.

Her tight grip on the stick did not falter as she took cautious steps away from the monster.

But her steps weren't cautious enough, and she tripped over Ms. Sally's unconscious body.

Lei fell back on her wrists, making her feel agonizing pain surge up her arms.

She let out a cry, closing her eyes tightly, and placing her head against the dirty ground.

Lei mustered up the courage and tried to push herself up, only to fall back on the ground.

The monster switched its menacing gaze to Lisa, who looked at him with tears in her eyes.

His stance was already more slanted, proving Lei's theory to be right.

As the physically strongest people in the room were unable to fight, the monster's ability to fight seemed to downgrade as well.

When Lei thought back to the people that had faced him, they were all physically and mentally capable people. Jun, Eli, Juri, Naya, Hani, and Ali were all some of the smartest and physically strong in the entire group.

Because Ms. Sally had been conscious and she was the brain, the energy from the smartest people is what she used.

But now that she's unconscious and the monster is the body, the energy from the strongest people is what it needs.

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