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"Lei." Beomgyu whispered to himself as he stood up from his spot on the ground.

His vision was still blurry as his heart was trying to regain it's normal beat.

He didn't know what to do now.

Lisa held the two little girls in her arms as she also stared at the spot Lei once was.

It was almost like she was dragged into a black hole. There was nothing left of her, not even the tracks of where her feet used to be.

He contained the urge to punch something as he ran a hand through his hair.

He paced for a bit, before he grabbed the lantern he had dropped before.

"I'm going in." He said determinedly as he grabbed the knife he dropped as well.

"What if it drags you too?" Ji Ah asked weakly as she held on tightly to Lisa's shirt.

Beomgyu remembered that he's supposed to be strong for the girls. He was still the adult. He's supposed to protect them.

"What if she's dead already?" Sara couldn't help but wonder as she looked at Beomgyu.

"Sara!" Lisa scolded in a whisper as Beomgyu looked down at the ground.

"We can't just wait for it to kill us too." Beomgyu said quietly. "Get ready. Stick close to me, okay? Stay behind me and hold on to my shirt. Stay together."

They held tightly onto Beomgyu as he took a deep breath.

He stared at the hole with determination, as he held up the lantern.

He walked slowly as he swallowed the lump on his throat.

Beomgyu moved the leaves from the entrance as he carefully stepped.

Soon they were all in. It was bigger than he thought it'd be.

It almost fit his height entirely.

For a second, he thought back to the Narnia the movie. It was almost like a new world that he was stepping into.

It was supposed to be just a tree, but at this point it wasn't hard to believe that this could be more.

They all jumped as they heard a chuckle.

"You're all brave campers."

Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows at the familiar voice.

He looked around in shock as he tried to figure out where it was coming from.

The girls looked around in confusion as they recognized the voice.

Beomgyu determinedly kept walking. The darkness slowly started becoming brighter as there was an opening in the ceiling.

The moonlight was shining through even more than the lantern now, making everyone have a clearer view of their surroundings.

There were a lot of items that the campers could recognize as their own or of other campers.

"Justin's watch, Haneul's keychain..." Lisa quietly listed as she spotted the items.

"Ms. Lei!" Sara yelled as she pulled on Beomgyu's shirt to catch his attention.

Beomgyu quickly looked to where Sara was pointing with his heart going erratic.

Lei was limping towards them. There was blood all over her jeans and there were scrapes on her hands as if she had crawled out of somewhere with all of her might.

"It's tricking you!" She warned.

"What?" Lisa asked in confusion.

Beomgyu stared at Lei as he resisted the urge to cry in relief, but he was too focused on her words to do anything else.

Summer Camp |Choi Beomgyu|Where stories live. Discover now