12. Rubbish

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My eyes start to open and I immediately shut them again

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My eyes start to open and I immediately shut them again.

The world is too bright for the hangover community.

This bed is uncomfortable and it stinks of shit.

I attempt to move a little to try get more comfy. But that just creates a rustling noise. I think I just felt something slimy against my ass cheeks.

I attempt to open my eyes again, more successful this time round.

Why is the light tinted green? And why is this room so tiny?

I immediately jump up, duck sake I'm in a rubbish bin. A green one. There aren't even green ones near where I live. Juts blue and black. But that's besides the point. I'm stood on multiple black bin bags right now, each one making anew shape every time I move.

I grab onto the sides of the bin and pull myself up, jumping out.

I dust myself off, but still stinking.

I tap the side of my thigh, but realise I have no pockets and my purse is lost. Which means I have no way of contacting Nadine. I have no clue where she lives. And it's her wedding day. So that makes this ten times worse. I don't want to rock up to the ceremony with a banana peel stuck to my bum.

I put a hand on my forehead, what have I gotten myself into?

Where do I go from here?
Do I stay here and hope I get found?
Do I start walking to nowhere in particular?
Do I- fuck I dunno.

A crash from afar makes me jump. I follow the sound warily. I have nothing better to do right now. I hear a bang instead this time. I hope I'm not walking straight into some sort of street fight.

A groan comes from beneath some bin bags. "Uh, hello?" I call out, feeling incredibly stupid. If anyone walked into this, they'd think I'm talking to a pile of rubbish.

"THALIA?!" Ah alarmed voice calls out. Nadines alarmed voice calls out.

"NADINE?!" I immediately pick up a bin bag and Chuck it to the side. Doing the same with a few more.

A battered looking Nadine is sprawled out across the gravel. I think this is the first time I've seen her where she doesn't look perfect.

"You look like a mess." She state's nonchalantly, grabbing onto my hands as I pull her up to stand. Stumbling backwards a little myself.

"So do you, for once." I retort back.

Suddenly, any glimmer of calmness has no evaporated into thin air. "FUCK! ITS MY WEDDING DAY AND I JUST WOKE UP UNDER A PILE OF RUBBISH, LOOKING LIKE A PILE OF RUBBISH!"

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