76. Arguments

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And the shoe drops

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And the shoe drops.

Too many eyes to count are directed right at me. I feel my cheeks beat up at the attention. I close my eyes in an attempt to soothe myself.

I am in so much shit.

"How do you even know about that?!" I question, alarmed, at Dom.

He scoffs, "that's what you're worried about? How about the fact that you're seeing our mother behind our backs!" He yells angrily.

I instinctively take a step back. "I'm...I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, bitch." He snarls.

"Stop it!" My father yells. "Both of you, to your rooms." He points to the stairs, not looking at either of us.

"Dad," Dom starts but gets silenced by the shaking of Dads head. "Go."

We both listen and make our way up the stairs. Once at the top, Dom shoves me to the side. "Don't speak to me ever again. I don't want you here."

He slams his bedroom door.

"I don't exactly want to see your stupid face either, you're such a fucking little bitch. Fuck you!" I tell to the closed door before storming off to my own room and slamming my own door.

I scream into my innocent pillow.


I'm not sure how long I've spent staring at the wall. I don't have a phone anymore and I'm trying to prove a point by doing nothing. It's the little kid in me.

I almost doze off out of boredom when my door flings open. "Um, Thalia... we've got to go to school in quarter of an hour."

"Cool," I say, bluntly.

I know Gio is annoyed too but they have no right. Our mother bombarded me. No one even wants to hear me out.

Giovanni looks like he wants to say more but decided against it and shuts my door.

I get ready for school to show them I'm literally fine. I don't care if they're going to be a bunch of twats. I didn't need them once and I don't need them again.

I make my way out of my room, dressed and ready for school, with my backpack slumg over my shoulder and I quickly make my way down the stairs.

I head straight for the door, past my brothers and leave without a word.

I can make my own way to school.

I exit our family's plot of land and begin my trek.

Those idiots can enjoy their journey in their fancy ass cars for all I care. What a bunch of twats.

One might call me childish for my behaviour. They can go drown in a river.

After a long - unnecessary, you might say - journey, I reach the school gates.

Warren jogs up to me, "T, I was so worried about you. You just randomly left the call?"

I sigh and relax into his side, "sorry, too much has happened."

He looks confused whilst looking down at me and I silently plead him to get me out of school. He drags me over to his car, opening the passenger door and helping me in. He buckled me up before shutting the door and rounding the car. My head falls against the window and I stare at the rain drops starting to trail down the window.

A hand rests on my thigh and I find comfort in it being there. I think Warren knows without me airing the words.

"I think they'll always instinctively take each others sides before they take mine." I say randomly. Not to Warren but just to myself. "I'm okay with that." I really am. I'm happy with being someone's seventh because it's the closest I've ever been to first.

Warren stays silent. Letting me air what I feels needs to be aired.

"It kind of sucks though. Are I owed a hearing out? Or am I being unreasonable? Why is family so complicated?!"

A silent tear rolls down my cheek and I keep my gaze set on the trees passing by. Am I being really dramatic right now?

Esmerelda was so right by calling me a drama queen.

I'm too tired to make them believe me.


"I'm glad you're feeling better now, T." Warren says, he's holding me in one of his bear hugs and resting his cheek in the crown of my head.

"You always know how to cheer me up," I smile into his chest. "Can I stay here tonight?" I could really use a night away from the drama.

"I think your brothers would kill me."

I take my head away from his chest to steal a glance up at him, "firstly: when have you ever cared what anyone else thinks? Secondly: I really don't think they mind if I'm away for one night."

"Obviously you don't know them very well because I think you'll find they'll care very much."

"No, they won't."

"They will, T. They really, really will."

I plant my head back on his chest, "just let me stay here and I'll suffer the repercussions."

He laughs lightly, "you say that but you do no wrong in their eyes."

I laugh at his words. Full on laugh. "That is the furthest thing from the truth. The only reason this has happened is because I have done wrong in their eyes."

"T, you can't always wait for people to ask to hear your side of the story. You need to tell them wether they want to hear it or not."

I sigh, "perhaps you are correct in your opinion..."

I can feel the smirk against my head, "as always."

"Pfft, you wish, bro."

Warren pulls me away from his chest and holds me by the shoulders. "Eugh, that's disgusting. Never call me 'bro' again."

I smile sweetly, "sorry, bro."

"Fuck off, not cool." He starts to walk away so I rush after him and tug on his wrist.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I laugh.

"It's not funny," warren crosses his arms and I miss his touch.

I measure and inch with my fingers, "just a little."


"A tiny bit..."

Warren turns to walk off again but I rush out an apology. "I promise I'm down. No more. Nada. Forgive me?" I smile.

"I'll always forgive you," he smirks down at me. "Bro."

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