73. Self worth

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"Ofcourse not!" I rush out.

Tiffany puts her hand on her hip and tilts her head to the side. "Sure," She rolls her eyes.

"Honest! Warren was helping me find...a cook book."

Tiffany scoffs, "a cook book? A little more specific..." she trails off.

"A merry berry cook book." I lie, interrupting her.

"Now, that. That is believable." She responds, sarcasm dripping from her statement.

I cringe, "sorry." I apologise, already giving up on my lie. I lightly jab Warren in the stomach, "thanks for the help."

He laughs, holding his hands up in surrender. "Thought I'd let the ladies talk it out."

"Oh how gentlemanly of you." Tiffany gushes, not trying to hide the fact she's joking. 

I just laugh at the scene before me.

Warren salutes her, "of course m'lady."

Tiffany swings her back into Warren and he hides behind his arms. "Hey!" Warren stresses. "What was that for?!"

"For being an absolute tease. Think your all jokes and that, don't ya?" Tiffany wacks Warren once more with the bag, failing to do him any damage it seems. Her strong English accent is apparent in her words.

Warren just laughs, his smile lighting up the whole room and it's certainly captivated my attention.

"All jokes aside, Darren is a sickness, Tiff. Don't take that douche back."

"I won't, I won't." Tiffany says, replying as if she's being scolded by a parent.

"You say that every damn time, Tiff. I mean it." He sends a pointed finger in Tiffany's direction and she rolls her eyes.

"I got the message, Warren. Me and Darren are done, done." She just offers a sweet, innocent smile. I have a feeling that smile enables her to get her way nine times out of ten.

The bell rings and Tiffany's whole demeanour changes. "Gotta go."

She disappears behind a bookshelf and I lean against the shelf that Warren and I are stood by.

"She'll take him back in three days." Warren states confidently.

"Maybe we should have some more faith in her. Or you should." I look up at him and he smiles.

"Nah, trust me, T."

I smile at the nickname but the grin on my face goes as fast as it came.

Warren nudges me lightly, "what's on your mind?"

I cross my arms across my chest and look to the ceiling. "It's just, it sounds like that Darren dude is a right dick. Tiffany's gorgeous and it seems she's got a good head on her shoulders, so why does she always take him back?"

Warren sighs and then focuses his gaze on the part of the ceiling that's directly above him. "Tiffany can act as confident as she bloody wants but she's not. I think she thinks that Darren is all she deserves. Which is most definitely not the case, but Tiff doesn't see that."

"I mean, something must of happened in order for her to feel like that. People don't just have self worth that low naturally."

"Facts. But Tiffany Brown is private as fuck. I doubt anyone will ever know her pain. It's sad but it's true." Warren sighs but he doesn't look nearly as pent up about this as I am. For some reason I want to know Tiffany Brown. And not the rich, pretty girl with guys at her feet. I want to know the real her.

Warren unfolds his arms and cups my cheek, "I can read your thoughts from a mile away. There's no point trying to befriend her. And even if you did, she'll tell you zilch."

I groan, "argh, maybe you're right. But... ah, fuck! I don't know. There's something telling me that she's a girl that needs to be known."

Warren writes his thumb across my cheek, causing some to shudder. "I agree, T. But everyone's got a story. Everyone should be known by someone."

"And maybe I should the the one to know Tiffany Brown." I interrupt.

Warren shakes his head like a know it all. "Nah, trust me, there's someone out here who's going to get to know Tiffany Brown. Wether that's tomorrow or thirty years time, I dunno. Just a gut feeling."

I raise a shoulder as if I'm trying to wipe the concern I have for this girl off. "Let's hope your gut speaks facts."

Warren purposely falls into the book shelf and holds a hand to the spot where his heart is. "I'd be offended if you think otherwise."

I laugh and give him a little shove. "Shut up, idiot," I mumble, shaking my head and looking to the ground, fighting the grin that's on my face.

"You love me." Warren jokes but suddenly I'm not in a mood to laugh.

I know he said it because it's just one of those phrases people say. I'm incredibly over thinking this.


Yes, I am.

Warren doesn't love me. There's no chance in hell.

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