57. Pancakes

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I don't think I've been in such an expensive car before

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I don't think I've been in such an expensive car before.

Scratch that - I definitely haven't. I don't think I've even seen one before that hasn't been on the telly.

I feel like the clothes I've been wearing for a week straight shouldn't be allowed to touch such expensive leather.

I have washed my clothes in the kitchen sink, but I still don't feel like the cleanest girl in my current state.

"You look like you've never been in a car before," Warren tells me, starting to drive to god knows where.

Immediately the wind starts blowing my hair up, and as stupid as it sounds, I feel like I'm in one of those action movies.

I try to relax back into the expensive looking, leather seat but I feel stiff and awkward in this car.

I'm not sure how to feel about the silence so I try to distract myself by taking my new iPhone out the box. "Is this a joke? If so tell me now."

Warren casts a glance in my direction before refocusing his eyes back on the road. "No joke, scouts honour."

I hesitantly inspect the phone. I don't trust myself being in possession of something so small yet so expensive.

"It's not some high-tech gadget from the year 3000." Warren tells me and I spot his smile widening when he feels me looking.

"Shoot, I thought it was for a sec." I tell him, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

I turn the phone on and see there's one contact already saved.

Big cock man

This guy, oh my days. "I wonder who big cock man is." I tease the guy beside me.

"Well, if you wanna find out...." He reaches to his belt and I immediately squeeze my eyes shut.

"No no no no no!"

Loud laughter fills the vehicle, "don't sound too excited."

I cross my arms over my chest and sink back into the seat, "shut up." I mumble to Warren.

He laughs and then steps on the gas and we speed down the dual carriage way.


"What is this place?" I ask nobody, amazed by the beautiful and elegant mansion before me.

The walls are white, windows white, the doors a black creating an elegant contrast, green vines cascade down the walls.

The oxygen been knocked out of me.

"This is my house." Warren says calmly.

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