Ch. 3: Girls Are Confusing

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All of the girls stop and look over at me before turning to look at Carol who looks surprised at having been included in the planning process and is quiet for a moment before saying "No I'm good, but thanks for asking! You're such a sweetheart Y/N." She sends a grin over in my direction. I simply shrug and smile back at Carol before looking back at the rest of the group who seems to be observing the interaction with interest. I look over to see Nat who has an eyebrow raised, Monica and Maria look slightly surprised, and Wanda looks slightly irritated and moves farther away from me which confuses and saddens me.

I lift a brow at the rest of the group and Maria tries to get rid of the slightly awkward tension by saying "Alright well now that the list of people is done where should we go for our trip?" None of the girls say anything so I decide to offer an idea. "My family has a private villa in Mexico, and it has enough rooms for everyone if you guys want to do that. If not it's cool, but I thought I'd offer you know." I said while shrugging my shoulders and all of the girls except Wanda stared at me which makes me slightly uncomfortable as I ask, "What? If you guys don't like the idea, then we don't have to do it."

They continue to stare at me in silence which slightly begins to irritate me, but then Natasha decides to speak up. "Excuse me, did you just say that you have a private villa in Mexico?! How is this just now coming up?!" I shuffle and chuckle uncomfortably before responding "It's a family villa, so no it is not just mine. And I don't know it's never come up in conversation before. And technically I did tell Wanda about it, so I did tell someone." I laugh genuinely at my last statement before looking over at the brunette who sends me a small smile which in turn makes me return the smile at her.

I look back at Natasha, Monica, and Maria to see that they all look surprised at my confession before they all hyper-fixate on Wanda which makes her shuffle in her spot. I look over at Carol and notice her slightly glaring at Wanda which makes me wonder why she would be looking at her like that but I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear Monica begin to speak. "I can't believe that you told Wanda about your super-secret family villa in Mexico and not your best friend. I feel so betrayed!" she says in mock hurt as she pretends to sob which makes everyone laugh.

"Wait, so is Wanda the only one who knows about this fancy beach house of yours?" Maria asks curiously and I look over at her and nod my head in affirmative before looking over and locking eyes with the Sokovian girl. "Yeah, I don't usually tell people about it for various reasons really, but I trust Wanda. So I told her about it during the summer before we started college," I say before breaking eye contact and shrugging my shoulders while focusing on the other girls who all smile at my response except for Carol who frowns slightly before quickly replacing it with a tight smile which I find strange and questionable.

"Aww, that's kind of sweet because it shows that you trust her enough with things that you don't even tell your best friend." Monica teasingly says to me which makes me rub the back of my neck and chuckle in slight embarrassment as I feel my cheeks redden. I glance over at Wanda who is looking down at her hands with a smile and pink cheeks. She looks up at me and slightly scootches closer making my heart pick up in pace slightly. I look back at Monica and roll my eyes at her before saying "I was going to eventually tell you guys' Mon." Which makes her chuckle and nod. "So... what do you guys say then? Yes or no to the villa so I can okay it with the fam?" I ask the group who contemplates it before they all smile widely yelling yes at me.

I look over at Wanda while the other girls celebrate, and she sends me one of her breathtaking and dazzling smiles as she nods at me in affirmative making me smile back at her. All I hope is that she can't see how hopelessly I am falling in love with her because then I'd just be embarrassed. I look at my phone and say "Alright so the villa has two master suites with king beds, two double bedrooms with king beds, and four twin bedrooms with two queen beds. There are other bedrooms but they're under construction right now, but there's also a bunch of other cool rooms in the villa and there is plenty of room for everyone."

None of the girls say anything which prompts me to look back up at them and I find them all looking at me with wide eyes and jaws hanging open. I stare at them in confusion before figuring that maybe I should say something to rouse them out of their shocked states. "Umm... guys? Helloooo!" This seems to bring them back to the present and Nat says "Damn Y/N! This villa sounds huge!" I chuckle at her exclamation and nod before saying "Yeah it is pretty big, but then again it kind of has to be since I have a lot of family members. But anyways we need to figure out who is going to be rooming with who." Nat and Monica exchange glances with each other and then smirk before Nat says, "Monica and I have an idea for how we can figure out who will be roomies."

I nod at them before saying "Oh by the way Nat, I was already going to give you and Maria one of the master suites so you, Monica, and Maria can just figure out the rest of us." Which makes the two girls look over and smile at me appreciatively before nodding and huddling together. "Carol if you want to you can head home to get everything ready while the rest of us finish off here before heading home too," I say to the blonde which makes her smile and nod then she gets up to leave and goes to say goodbye to Monica before coming over to me making me stand up. "Hey, thanks again for inviting me to come out here with you guys and on this trip too. You didn't have to do all this, so I appreciate it," she says to me with a broad and pretty smile on her face.

"Hey, it's no problem at all so don't mention it," I say while returning the smile. She catches me off guard as she comes in for a hug and kisses my cheek as she says goodbye. She then goes to leave, but not before looking back at something behind me with a glint in her eyes before finally leaving. I stood still in the same spot she left me in with confusion running through me before I shake it off. When I turn around, I see Wanda look at me with a look of disappointment and something else that I can't put my finger on. I go to step toward her, and she takes a step back which makes me stop and look at her with what can only be described as hurt and confusion before she storms off through the bushes. The girls look over at where she just left before looking over at me with confusion and I just shake my head at them as I take off.

"Wanda! Wait hold on!" I yell as I run after her to catch up with her before she leaves. I manage to catch her before she's about to exit the path into the main park and stand in front of her to stop her making her look at me with a hardened glare. "What do you want Y/N?" she asks in an angry tone of voice which surprises me making me take a step back away from her. "Why are you leaving? And why are you mad at me? Did I do something or say something that upset you because if I did then I'm sorry. You know I'd never purposefully try to hurt or upset you right?" I ask her quietly which makes her look at me for a few seconds before she scoffs and says, "Are you seriously asking me that?!" I look at her in confusion and slowly nod my head showing her that I am genuinely asking her which makes her scan my eyes looking for something.

It seems that she ends up finding whatever she was looking for making her sigh and look down at the ground. She looks back up at me and has seemingly calmed down slightly before changing the subject as she asks, "Why did you come after me?" Her question confuses me for a second which I'm sure shows on my face, but I quickly recover and give her a small smile. "Because I don't like seeing you upset and more importantly, I don't ever want to be the reason that you're upset. You're one of the most important people in my life Wands and I only ever want to be a source of happiness for you." I say softly and notice that her cheeks flush slightly making me chuckle. I throw an arm over her shoulder to pull her back toward the group so we can finish planning. Gosh, why are girls so confusing? I ask myself before meeting back up with the girls.

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