Ch. 11: Truth or Dare

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Wanda's POV

Kate was right about going for a swim and lucky for me that Danvers had no longer been in the water, so I didn't have to deal with her. I feel like being in the water washed away all of the negative feelings and thoughts that I was having. I knew going into this bet that Carol was going to do everything in her power to get under my skin. I knew that she would try to turn on the charm with Y/N, so I can't let her get the better of me. It's time for me to turn on the charm and woo Y/N. Okay, I've got this no big deal.

I decide that I've had my fill of being out in the water for the day. I start swimming back to shore, so I can go hang out with the girls some more. Around the time the water was at the level of my waist, I suddenly felt someone's gaze burning into me causing me to look around for the source. I stop for a moment and glance behind me to see if it was Vision since I was just with him. But I see he's busy messing with some of the boys in the water which makes me rule him out. I turn back around and slowly continue toward the shore and sweep my gaze around the beach to see whose gaze it is that is currently on me.

None of the boys were looking at me so I figured that it was probably just one of the girls looking around for me or something. When I look over at the group and what I see causes me to let out a small gasp. Turns out the person looking at me is Y/N which causes me to flush at the thought that she's been watching me this entire time and I grow slightly self-conscious. When I finally look into her eyes, the intensity that I see in them cause me to shiver slightly, and the blush on my face only intensifies.

I continue holding eye contact with her and suddenly get a great idea to tease her if she's going to keep staring at me. Gathering all the courage that I can, I decided to let her know that I'd noticed her staring by sending her a teasing smile. This causes her to blush and I decide to add a bit more sway to my hips as I finally reach the shore. I notice her eyes widen slightly as her gaze drifts down. I continue to walk toward the group while keeping my attention completely on Y/N. I smile once I realize that she has not looked away from me since I started coming out of the water.


Just as I was about to let my irritation with my cousin out after she lied to me about the dolphins, I noticed Wanda was swimming towards the shore. I watched in awe as she effortlessly swam closer all while looking like some kind of model and found myself unable to tear my eyes away from her. When she was about halfway out of the water, I noticed that she had a curious look on her face as she looked at something behind her before looking forward and continuing to walk.

God this woman is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I feel like I'm about to faint just at the sight of her. She looks like the epitome of a goddess after doing something as simple as coming out of the water. I think to myself as I watch her sweep her gaze across the beach before her eyes finally land on me and catch me looking at her. I notice her brow quirk slightly before she sends me a teasing smile. I blush slightly knowing that I have been caught staring at her like some kind of idiot.

If I've been caught in the act, then I might as well take my time admiring her. I decide to shamelessly take in all of her beauty and my eyes widen and are drawn toward her hips once I notice them swaying hypnotically. I drag my gaze back up and hold eye contact with her. Wanda seems to blush once she realizes that I have doubled down by continuing to stare at her instead of folding and looking away from her.

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