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Hey guys,

I did a few changes in the previous chapter so please do check that out before reading this chapter. 

thank you.

Sarada's POV

We were sitting in the main hall. The owner spoke "In our village there have been a few accidents. Young girls around your age are going missing. Three girls have gone missing today alone. We were going to request for help. But, since ninjas from the Hidden Leaf were coming we waited". Boruto was just listening carefully. "When was the first missing case reported". The owner thought for a moment and said "day before yesterday". 

The owner left us and Boruto said " Sarada. He said our age right?". I nodded in approval and he said "so you go alone into the woods. Tonight walk in the village. Catch the eye of people and then walk into the woods". I gave him an are-you-serious look. He just showed his infamous grin and said " don't worry. I will not let you out of my sight". I sighed and he said "come on think about it. You are beautiful. You can catch the eye of people without trying. Once they approach you don't try anything and just go with them. That will help us find their hideout. I will follow you through out. I promise that nothing will happen to you. If anything happens I will be dead. Your dad will kill me for sure. Plus I don't want to die yet. I have to be the shadow hokage for you". 

Even when he was explaining the whole mission the only words that I caught was him saying that I was beautiful. I agreed with his plan since the boy had a point. Before going out he said "oh and Sarada wear a kimono or something. That will help. I will be out. Come out when you are finished". With that he walked out. I entered the room that was arranged for me and once I entered I saw a beautiful kimono on my bed. 

I took the kimono and took a nice shower before getting ready. I was having trouble tying the Obi. I already did my hair and all just the obi was remaining. I heard a knock and I called to come in. A few moments ago a girl came in and said she will be back with some water. So I thought it was her but when I turned around it was none other than Boruto. 

He quickly looked down and I turned around. The only thing I was wearing was the kimono and the obi was not tied. I turned around as soon as realisation hit me. I heard footsteps getting closer and soon, two strong hands were holding my waist. He was very close to me. I could feel his breath on my neck. He leaned down and said "should I?". I hesitantly nodded. He continued to tie my obi. And in no time it was done. 

I slowly turned around and was met with Boruto's ocean blue eyes. It was so deep that I got lost in them. His eyes slowly looked down on my lips. My eyes followed his. I was looking at his lips. He was slowly leaning in. So was I. His hands around my waist tightened. he brought me closer to his body. My brain was malfunctioning. I couldn't process what was going on. He was leaning in so slowly that I was getting impatient. The only thing I want in this moment is to just kiss him. 

Boruto's POV 

I knocked on the door and heard a small come in. As soon as I opened the door I was met with Sarada trying to tie her obi. The way she turned around was so cute. I'm not gonna lie but ever since I left for training with sensei I had feelings for her. I was just not sure. But, when I came home and the moment I laid my eyes on her was the moment I realised that my feeling for her is indeed real. When she hugged me and said that she missed me was really nice feeling. 

I helped her tie her obi. She turned around awfully slow. Her onyx eyes were staring into my blue ones. My eyes travelled from her eyes to her lips. She was wearing lipstick. Red cherry lipsticks. I slowly leaned in hoping she would do the same. And indeed she leaned in as well. She draped her hands around my neck and I tightened my hold around her waist. The distance between our lips were getting closer and closer and...............

Hey guys, 

I Hope you guys will like this chapter.

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