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three weeks later.

"Her anxiety medicine definitely isn't strong enough." Ashton whispered as we all sat with her in the parking lot of her school, which she was supposed to start last week and had yet to make it through the front doors without us due to her anxiety and panic attacks.

She bounced her knee rapidly, picking skin off of her fingers, which had became a horrible habit that she picked up everytime we doing something out of her comfort zone.

"Why can't I just do online? We are going to Australia in a month anyway and that's a lot of school I have to miss, so I will miss less if I'm online." She tried to justify her thinking to us.

"We just want you to try it, I think once you get past the first day, you will realize that everything is okay." I told her calmly.

"Don't say we like we all want her to do this." Calum quickly spoke.

Calum had grown a huge soft spot for Harley, which meant that anything that she vocalized that she didn't want to do, he didn't make her do, which was causing huge problems.

Due to this, Harley almost immediately favorited Calum and small things started turning into arguments.

And school was our main argument for the past three weeks.

I gave Calum my glance, begging him to stop before she would pull the water works- which would immediately make us all immediately decide that she didn't have to go today.

If you can't tell, we have been through this a few times.

"Harley- just try it, pretty girl" I spoke calmly, seeing panic on her face.

I knew she wasn't faking it, I knew this was scary for her.

But if she could get past the first day, everything would be okay.
If she got past today and decided that she fucking hated it, we would move her back online like she asked.

No big deal to us, huge deal to her.

"Harley, you're going to be late- you have to go in." Michael spoke for us, making her immediately look out the window at all the students.

"Please don't make me." She tried once more.

"One day baby, you can make it one day."

Therefore she got out, clearly upset and angry with us, without saying another word.

"Great fucking job." Calum mumbled, making me laugh

"It's time for us to have a family meeting."


I was sweating
My heart was pounding
I avoided eye contact with most people, knowing my class schedule already.

I walked to the classroom, the teacher immediately looking to me.

"You must be Ms.Hemmings!" He smiled widely, making me nod slowly.

"Great, this desk is actually open, no one else has made it in for class so jsut take some time to get comfortable, I'm Mr.Brandon" he smiled to me.

"Thanks" I smiled back to him, sitting in the desk he referred to.

I watched him get on his computer as I set my bag beside me, exhaling and glancing to the long wall of windows, seeing trees and a fence around the school.

"Wow- you have college credits already?" He asked, making me nod slowly.

"I study a lot, so my test scores are always high so they allow me to test for college credits." I explained slowly.

"What school gave you permission to do that?" He asked.

"Saint Jean High" I spoke, immediately seeing that he wasn't pleased with the school, but he shook it off his face quickly.

"Wait- did you know a girl named Grace? She's a recent transfer from there"

My mind went back to the day I met Luke

My busted lip from a ring

That ring belonging to Grace, one of the meanest bitches in the school.

"Yeah- I knew of her" I cleared my throat lightly.

"Great! I believe she's in this class, I can't wait!" He smiled happily.

That makes one of us.

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