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"I think you should give it a week- just to see if it calms down." Ashton suggested, Luke agreeing with a nod, making me look straight to Calum.

"I told you." I spoke firmly to him, watching him exhale.

The guys continued to talk about the girl as I sat there, bouncing my knee and staring to a can of cashews they wanted me to eat.

"Why don't we go talk to your principal about her? See if we can just get her to leave you alone-" "absolutely not." I spoke firmly.

"Why not?" Luke asked back.

"Have you never been in highschool? Don't be a snitch." I scoffed to him.

"Well- I'd rather you be a snitch than return to your former habits of fighting." He spoke slowly, making me immediately groan.

"We could avoid all of this if you guys just stuck to your end of the deal and let me stop-" "Harley, we are just trying to do what we think is best for you, I really think you will like school once you find your group of friends." Luke told me as Michael walked behind me, rubbing my shoulders gently, making me exhale.


Over the next week, it was absolute torture.

Maybe torture is dramatic, but I hated school.

Luke and Ashton had did the one thing I asked them not to do, and spoke to the principal- which I can't be mad at them, because they were just trying to help, but yet I am mad at them because it's literally the one thing I asked them to not do.

But the principal did his job and spoke to her and she of course played the victim card and got away with a slap on the wrist and increased her bitchiness to me.

They guys continuously asked me not to handle it with violence, but it was getting harder and harder.

And today was just my breaking point.

Her and her friend group walked past me during lunch, "accidentally" dropping milk directly on my lap.

I gasped, standing quickly as they all acted as if they were shocked

"Don't be dramatic, those jeans were horrific anyway"

And I didn't even have a second for my brain to process before my arm swung at her, both my fists clenched.

She took my hit well and I do have to say- from that point on- I quite literally got jumped

Apparently girls in this school fight in groups, could've never happened at the other school.

So when I thought I was doing pretty good, straddling her and taking out my past weeks anger on her- I suddenly felt a firm hand grab almost off of my hair.

And from there- I got hit by at least four different girls, many times.

By the time teachers got them off of me- I felt like hell.

I knew I wasn't seriously injured, but I knew I wasn't standing up by myself.

I spit blood of the floor, tasting it in my mouth, making me groan as a teacher came into my view.

There was two of him.

His mouth was moving but the sound was just a dull ringing, making me blink slower, trying to read his lips.

"Shit" I exhaled, almost wanting to laugh at this situation

"My foster mom used to tell me that one day I would meet someone who would finally beat my ass" I spoke, not sure if anyone could actually hit me.

"She never warned me that it would have to be multiple girls."

Maybe I would've been more prepared if she had told me it was going to be multiple girls.


"Doctor Hemmings- you have a call coming in from Saint Christopher High school"

"Answer it" I immediately told the nurse, knowing it was Harley's school.

I said hello as she put it on speaker, myself trying to stay focused to the appendix I was cutting out.

"Yes Doctor Hemmings?" The principals familiar voice spoke.

"Yes sir" I responded

"So I hate to call you with this, because I know we discussed this situation not long ago and clearly I wasn't able to resolve it, but Harley needs to be picked up from the school as soon as possible. It appears to me that a fight broke out during lunch and five of the girls jumped her- I have the security camera footage, it's really not good, Harley is beat up pretty bad-" "in what ways is she beat up bad? Like explain to me what's wrong with her." I panicked, feeling my heart racing as I immediately instructed a different nurse to run to the guys and make one of them go to her school.

"I just left her in the nurses office to come give you a call, apparently she was hearing some ringing in her ears, which is just starting to fade. She's having some double vision and focusing problems. She for sure has a busted lip, she holds her ribs nonstop, I'm not sure what else" he exhaled slowly.

"Okay, I'm sending someone to get her right now because I'm in surgery, have her ready and email a video copy of your security cameras."

I was going to press charges on every little girl that hurt my baby.

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