chapter thirty seven

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Aleeza's POV

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Aleeza's POV

I was lying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling, my mind was lost in thinking about my life. There's no one with whom I can share what is happening in my life.

I felt so lonely, my heart was drowning, my eyes began to water, I turned my face towards Irteza, he was sleeping peacefully.

I stared at his face, he has got such an innocent face and such a dark heart, who can say someone who has so angelic face, can be a devil.

I know there was never love in our marriage, but at least there was something, why did he have to break my trust? It was by chance I caught him red handed, god knows what else he does behind my back

I felt my throat choking because of so much crying. How will I live my life like this? When and how this pain will end?

I turned away from him and forced myself to sleep. Maybe sleeping would numb my pain.


I was sitting with Arfa and Zara, they both were discussing our clothes to wear at the wedding functions, I had no interest in all this, so I was listening quietly, just humming in acknowledgement that I was listening.

Phuppo, badi mummy and Chachi also came and sat, they were also participating in the discussion now.

They all were trying to get me involved in the conversation, but my mind was too lost and I was really not in the mood

Hamza and Irteza joined us too, now everyone was sitting and making plans about the wedding. At times like these I feel so left out, I don't belong here, it is not my family.

I looked at Irteza, before I got married to him, I always considered these people as my own family, but things are changed now. I understand now that I don't fit in here.

"Why don't you wear your reception dress at the wedding?" Arfa asked me

"No, it's too heavy" I shook my head

"But you have to wear something heavy" she insisted, but before I could answer, badi mummy did on my behalf

"It's her choice Aru, she will wear whatever she wants, heavy or light doesn't matter, as long as Aleeza is comfortable" she said, Arfa just shrugged

The discussion continued, I was being included in it, by someone or the other, zara was so excited, she wanted everything in her own way and she wanted everyone to follow her instructions

I was noticing zara's face, is this how all the bride's feel? She couldn't stop grinning, I swear one could count her teeth if tried. I felt nothing like this at the time of our wedding

"Let's go out for a movie and dinner on this Saturday" zara said to everyone, they all agreed except Irteza

"I'm really sorry but I can't come, i have a very important party to attend" he said

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