chapter forty three

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Aleeza's pov

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Aleeza's pov

"This one?" I asked, Arfa scrunched her nose

"NO" she screamed, I rolled my eyes. After searching for another five minutes I took out another dress

"This?" I asked

"I can't do this anymore, the dresses you are selecting are not bad, but you cannot wear any of them on zara's wedding day"

In all the hassle I forgot to buy a dress for myself, I thought I will wear something old, but when Arfa found out she brought me to the mall for shopping.

I told her I want to wear something of my choice, she agreed but said her approval was still required. I showed her few dresses but she rejected them all.

"Now you sit and let me find out something for you" she made me sit on a couch, her phone rang, she took it out of her bag

"Wassup Mr Irteza Hasan" she sang, my heart skipped a beat upon hearing his name, "don't worry your wife is safe with me, why don't you talk to her" she passed me the phone

"Talk with him, I'm going to get some clothes for you" she left, I stared at the phone for a few seconds then disconnected the call.

I didn't want to talk to Irteza, not after his love declaration, my mind is too occupied with so many thoughts. Why would he cheat on me if he loved me. Does he actually love me or he just think he does.

I know Irteza has never uttered the words "I love you" from his mouth, he couldn't say it even then when we were acting, but now he has said it, so he must mean it, but i can't deny what I saw, that girl was all over him

My head hurt because of so many questions boiling in my head, so I just shut off all of them, the best thing was to not think at all.

I was lost in my thoughts when a pile of clothes fell on my lap, I looked up and found Arfa grinning at me

"Try them" she ordered

"They are too many"

"So you better hurry up" I sighed and reluctantly got up

I took the dresses to the trial room, one by one I tried all the four dresses she got for me but she liked none of them

"I'll get more" she said and left me, I was getting tired now. I was wearing back my clothes when there was a knock on the door

"Try this one"

"I'm tired" I complaint

"Try it Aleeza"

I halfheartedly took the dress and tried it, then I opened the door to show her the dress, she nodded

"It's nice, but I will get something better" she said and walked out

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