Age of Heroes

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Hello, my lovely readers

For those of you who don't know, I'm obsessed with Greek Mythology. You might have seen hints of this in the fact that Nyx was named after the Primordial Deity and her son was named after the hero Perseus. I've always loved stories like these and anything about Greek Mythology. So whilst I'm going through the process of publishing Law of Attraction--I've decided to write a little story for fun here on Wattpad. Its genre is fantasy but it revolves entirely around Greek Mythology. I've rated it Mature because there will be smut in the future. So think Percy Jackson but not for kids lmaooo.

It would mean a lot to me if you'd check this story out. I'm trying to branch over into Fantasy which is a very loved genre of mine. I'm still writing romance btw, still have the rest of the series to do; Grayson and Sebastian. But I'm writing Age of Heroes for fun, because I'm enjoying building that world. And I'm also hoping to one day use it as my debut into Fantasy. There are four chapters up so far.  I'll love you forever if you read it :)

Scroll further for the description.


SADIE is utterly confused. She's washed up on Alcides; a small island nation where allies of ancient heroes are born and raised. To make things even worse, she's descended from one of those heroes and her arrival has been prophesied by a champion of Apollo. Oh, and Olympus has fallen. The titans have overthrown the Olympians, trapping them in Tartarus. Now the gods need saving. Nice.

GIOVANNI isn't sure what to think. Descended from Achilles and chosen at birth to be the champion of Hades, he's been trained to master the abilities that make him a young god of the new age. All of his fellow champions are exactly what he'd expect, all of them prepared to fight against the titans and their monsters. Except this last one; some girl descended from a hero nobody even remembers. Oh, and the prophecy places her right into his arms. His arms. Nobody else's. Nice.

Stories like these aren't unfamiliar, stories of heroes who fight as fiercely as they love. Achilles and Patroclus. Orpheus and Eurydice. Odysseus and Penelope. If the prophecy has its way, Gio and Sadie may just escape being added to the long list of tragedies like their ancestors. It is, after all, a new age of heroes.

 It is, after all, a new age of heroes

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