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"Why did you put her on oxygen?" Emma has just fell asleep, and Bruce is by her side removing the bullet. "Just to help her. Last time she needed it." he mutters, too focused on his work. He carefully removed the bullet from Emma's side. He examines it, then places it in the dish beside him. He instantly starts to clean up the wound and patch it. Everyone just watches, as there is nowhere else they can look. Natasha is sitting down a bit away from the surgical bed when she notices a mark through on of the rips in Emma's suit. She stands up and walks over to her side. She takes a knife and carefully cuts the fabric off Emma's right arm. Right on her shoulder there is a large logo burnt into her skin. It was was the familiar hydra logo. Natasha stares at her shoulder in shock. Tony and Steve walk around the bed to Natasha to see what she was so worried about. When they spot the logo they freeze. Bruce glances up at them but then continues his work to prevent Emma from loosing more blood. When he has successfully cleaned and patched the wound he walks over to see what the fuss is about. He too is shocked by the sight. He gingerly touches the logo. "What makes you do that to a child?" Steve mutters under his breath. "it's burnt into her skin. There's no removing that. It's permanent." Bruce sighs. He checks his watch and glances at Emma. "The drugs won't wear off till after we get back. It'll give us time to figure out what we want to do and what we need to do." "What can we do though? When she wakes up she probably won't talk, and will want to kill us." Tony mutters. The room falls silent for the rest of the journey.
Steve carries Emma out of the plane and into the avengers campus. He is directed to the holding area and is told to put her in one of the cells. He arrives at the holding area and shoves open a cell door. He carefully places Emma on the floor. She had stirred a bit when he had been walking down the hall, but she had gone motionless again after that. He closes the door and it automatically locks. He stares through the glass at the small fragile figure lying in the centre of the small cell. He turns and leaves, but stops when he hears a voice from behind him. "This is pathetic. You can't dump me in a cell and expect me to sit put and wait to be yelled at by someone." He snaps around to see Emma outdide the cell. He can't figure out how she got out, but before he knows what is going on Emma has took off down the narrow hallway between the cells. He chases after her. He runs back out the door and freezes. He looks around when he steps outside. He had lost her. He realizes then that the one thing thats only job is to kill them is loose in the building. The problem is she won't stop until she has completed her mission. Steve knows he needs to act fast.

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Thank you for the support. However I am in an exam year in school, so I will struggle to release chapters the way I did at the start. Please be patient and I will try my best to keep updating.

Happy reading 📖

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