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Natasha walked swiftly around the campus. She had a large,blue soccer ball under her shoulder as she strolled down the corridor towards the holding cell in which Emma was being kept. It's been 3 weeks since the interrogations, and Emma has done nothing but lay in one corner of the cell. She hasn't eaten or drank anything,let alone move from that one spot. Nat was determined to change that.

Natasha stopped outside the front of the cell. She watched as the mass of fur moved ever so slightly as it breathed. Nat let out a deep,long breath before entering the code so she could enter. The wolf twitched slightly as the door opened. Nat took a cautious step forward. She quietly and gracefully placed the ball into the centre of the room. "I've brought you something I thought you would enjoy. I know your pain, Emma." Natasha whispered as she retreated back to safety.

Bruce and Steve watched from above as Natasha locked the cell before leaving the holding floor. The wolf still hadn't moved. "It needs to at least get some fluids into it. Without water, it will most definitely be dead in a day or two." Steve watched on, hoping Nat's attempt would spark some life into the poor animal. He watched as the wolf slowly lifted its head from the ground to stare at the blue ball in the cell. Steve, who was speechless, watched as the large animal shakily got to its feet and strode towards the ball. It carefully inspected the item before pouncing onto the ball. A smile creeped across Steve and Bruce's face as the wolf played with the small ball. The animal looked extremely happy as it rolled the ball along the floor, occasionally battering it off the wall. "Nice of you guys to admire my work." Natasha stood in the doorway, a big smile on her face. Steve smiled gently at her before looking back at CLAWS. She was now gently nudging the ball into the corner where she had lay the past few weeks. Panting happily, she walked over to the untouched water bowl before gulping every single drop of liquid from the bowl, then returning to her corner. "It's weird how on small football was able to change her. It just shows how we need to take small simple steps to get her right," Steve stated as he watched the wolf peacefully drift back to sleep.

I don't like leaving messages at the end of chapters, but I need to say that I have finished my exams. I know will hopefully update more for you all. Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm going through a bad patch.

《I know this is very short 》

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