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Clint awakens with a jump. He glances around, trying to get used to his surroundings. He's in a large room, with all the avengers, bar two. The two that are missing are Thor, who's not on earth at the moment, and Tony. Everyone, including Clint, is shackled. They all look at eachother, concerned. Theres noise outside the room, and everyone looks in that direction. There is a glass wall on the far side, where a small, green ball hits the glass in a consistent rhythm. Someone yells from outside, and the ball stops. Claws appears, a large slash now on her face. Clint can clearly see the ball in her hand. He stares at the large slash running from above her temple to the bottom of her cheek. A man appears Infront of her, and he demands something. Claws reluctantly hands over the ball. Then the man leaves. Clint can't get over the amount of pain in her face. He watches as she relocates her jaw and walks off. He darts his eyes to Natasha, who's still looking at the glass. Clint looks back to see the same man and Claws standing face to face, pure anger in Claws' face. They must be yelling, because Clint can clearly hear every word being exchanged between the two. "You told me I was finished after this! You siad that if I brought them here to you I'd get a break. But no! You're still trying to drag me into that shitty little room to inject more shitty liquids into my blood!" Emma yells. "Enough. Yates isn't here to treat you like a baby anymore. You will do as you are told." The man states clearly. Emma looks furious. "Yates is dead because you wanted me to go catch the avengers for you! It's your fault he's dead! Not my fault, not the avengers fault, it's yours! And yet, I feel as though it's my fault. I feel that I shouldn't have told him to stay in the canteen. I feel that I should have told him to go." Claws bursts into tears and storms out of the room. The man runs after her, slamming the door behind him.

The silence that follows lasts forever. The avengers sit in silence. Everyone of them fear talking. Mice scatter along the dirty floor. The smell of blood and gasoline fills the air. After around an hour, there's a large clatter from up above. Everyone's heads snap around as Claws walks down the hallway up above. The first thing that Clint notices is the large gash down her face. The girl stops towards the end of the hallway, with the door half open. She looks down at the avengers. The red rings around her eyes stand out on her pale skin. This wasn't the H.Y.D.R.A experiment the avengers had met before. This was a young abused girl with nowhere to go.

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