A hospital visit [5]

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"Edward? We can head to the hospital now if you want" Carlisle said walking into the room. By now it had been a few hours and Rainn was still sound asleep.
"We can?" Edward still had Rainn in his arms, he hadn't let the baby go. Rainn was being smoothly rocked allowing his cozy slumber to deepen. Within the few hour Rainn did have a few visitors who had to see the cute baby whilst he slept, it's clear to see that Rainn won't be going anywhere and is already fully loved by his family.

"Yes we should be fine now I know a few people specialising in baby's and will be able to help us" Carlisle explained staring lovingly at the baby. Working in the hospital did allow his family to for whatever need to get prioritised.

"Come on Rainn, we've got to go somewhere" however this went on deaths ears as Rainn was still out from the warm milk he drank. Rainn was completely wrapped up in his baby onesie and then further protected and swaddled in a blanket as an extra precaution. Rainn was all warm helping him in his baby slumber.
Edward walked down stairs to the door just carrying baby Rainn carefully and safely in his arms.

"There's a cot in the car that he will need to be buckled into" knowing which car they would be going in Edward left the house walking to his fathers car, but Rainn seemed to sense the charge of scenery causing his to start frowning and wriggling a bit within his sleep.

Climbing into the car Edward unswaddled the baby making poor baby Rainn to fidget around more trying to get back the warmth and security the swaddle blanket brought to him.
Edward quickly yet carefully clipped Rainn into the cot ,which was attached to the car and bought previously whilst Carlisle's and Esme were shopping.

Rainns eyes had begun to open now with him being in an uncomfortable seating. Whining at the cold and uncomfortable place he'd been put ,Rainn with no other option started to tear up.

Instantly whispering sweet nothings to his son and poking his nose Rainn had started to calm down. Rainn had started to reach up and was starting to try and catch Edwards hand. Edward knowing that this will distract his son, started slowly moving his hand around and in front of Rainn. Slow enough so it can tempt Rainn but slightly too fast for Rainns delayed response on trying to catch it.
Small baby coos where emitting from the baby's mouth, so focused on catching the floating object in front of him.

"Ah you're going to have to be a little quicker Rainn" babbles came out of the baby in response causing Edward to smile at his cuteness. Rainn was just a very cute baby in general.

"I'm guessing you're staying back there with him" Carlisle spoke speeding into his car.

"Yes I don't know how he'll react, and now that he's awake he'll most likely cry" Edward explained still playing with Rainn. The said baby now wide awake and his blurred eyes staring at the hand poking his little button nose. All this attention on Rainns nose caused a tiny baby sneeze to release from the tiny baby "chu". Scrunching his nose Rainn let out all sorts of gurgles and grunts, getting used to the new strange think that happened to his nose.
"Yes the baby looks healthy, his size is a bit light but all his internals work fine. It will be just a case of making sure he eats enough vitamins to grow to a decent weight.
I would advise that he gets regular checks until he gets a bit older, but other than that he is fine" Dr Brown the Forks Hospital paediatrician told the two after checking Rainn over.
This was the best news that both Edward and Carlisle could have gotten, baby Rainn was just fine.

"We'll put some dates for checking him up then" Carlisle said to Dr Brown both going over to his desk, whilst Edward picked Rainn up rocking his son slowly.
"Did you understand any of that, we've just found out your working perfectly" Edward baby talked to Rainn knowing Rainn would understand a word, yet liking the voice hitting his ears. Everything was still blobs to Rainn, so the baby never really knew what he was looking at.

Gurgling slightly Rainn started lifting his stubby arms it again. He reached one up to his dada and one went straight to his mouth. It would seem that Rainn likes the taste of baby human flesh, aka his hand. His other hand was gently held onto by two of Edward's fingers, whilst he was mainly focused on the size difference.

"You hungry"Edward asked seeing how Rainn was eating his hand. All Rainn could respond with was gurgles of sliver blocked by the chewing of his tiny hand.

"We'll get you some milk soon" however Rainn paid no mind, he just focused on the tasty flesh called his hand.
Edward was slowly rocking Rainn allowing Rainn to continue munching, that it being quite hard to both rock Rainn and hold his hands away from his mouth.

"I've booked us in for a check up in two weeks, then he shouldn't need to come in as often" Carlisle had sorted out all of the appointments, and the two where fine to get taking baby Rainn with them.
"We need to sign some forms at reception, just stating that he's within our custody, and a new family member"

"Then he'll be legally mine?"

"Yes. A new little Cullen"

7th January 2023
961 words
Sorry took so long
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