A little older [7]

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"Now, you hungry bud, haven't eaten in a bit have you?"

"Mmmmmmm" the eight month old hummed out.

The two, Rainn and Emmet, were stood on the porch looking out into the woods, Rainn being clung on Emmets side.
Rainn was dressed in a pair of brown shorts with a nappy on underneath, and a grey sweatshirt on top of his chest. As the two were stood outside Esme demanded that Rainn be dressed, and Emmet not wanting to be attacked dressed Rainn straight away.

Edward was off out, and Alice was at the store to stock up on baby supplies, mainly new sorts of baby foods and teething toys. Rainns teeth had started to push through and boy was the baby in pain, Jasper was sticking around Rainn and manipulating his emotions to try and help his nephew as much as possible.

Emmet was bouncing his nephew as they just stared off into nothingness.
"Come on we'll go see grandma and hope she has food ready for ya"

"Mmmmmmm" Rainn nodded happily. Rainn wasn't a very noisy baby, and he normally kept pretty quiet. Rainn was cuddled into his uncle and was becoming pretty hungry, the baby couldn't talk yet however he was growing the ability to mimic noises and phonics from his family trying to encourage him, this allowing small noises to form from his mouth however not much.

For the past 8 months Rainn had become incredibly close to his uncle Emmet, so much so that he would have mini tantrums when the two were apart. These tantrums including a grumpy baby, throwing soft toys and outwardly refusing to eat through whines just wanting his uncle back. Edward's did get slightly annoyed by this, being Rainn's father and all. However he couldn't do much about it.
Rainn loved his family, this may be due to the amount of attention the boy receives.
His blond locks had grown out and had to be cut quite frequently due to how fast his hair had been growing.

Carefully bouncing the boy back inside Emmet made a direct line to the kitchen. He'd avoided stepping on all of the baby toys and other baby things dotting around the house.

"Ahhh just the boy I was looking for"Esme said already on the way to retrieve the two.

"Why what have I done?"Emmet asked dumbfounded. Esme lifted bigger baby Rainn out from Emmets arms into her own.
"Uncles silly isn't he" Esme babied to Rainn.

"Uuuaaaauuu"Rainn babbled out agreeing looking up at his grandma. Rainn clutched Esmes shirt in his tiny fist, his baby way of safety.

"Now that tummy of yours must be hungry" Esme said tapping Rainns stomach making the baby look down to his tummy. Then returning his gaze back to his grandma.

Esme started walking with Rainn over to his little highchair but as she was doing this Rainn pushed his free arm out to Emmet. Telling the vampire to follow.

Placing Rainn down in a very high quality high chair Esme had turned back to where she had prepared mushed fruit for baby Rainn. Rainn once placed down turned to make sure his uncle followed them to the kitchen, and when he was happy that Emmet was there Rainn turned back to his grandma placing both of this tiny hands on his chubby stomach. He was just staring at his hands and stomach whilst Esme was collecting the jar of baby food and a plastic spoon.

"Here comes the airplane frmmmmmmm" Rainns attention was caught. His eyes widened and he had raised both his tiny arms and started waving them around. Baby Rainn was the most emotional before eating, these where the only times that Rainn showed genuine emotion. He was rather a nonchalant baby.

Rainns arms only stopped wafting when the spoon of food was in his mouth. Rainn had his favourite flavours, those being mostly fruits like apple and blueberry yet he did also quite like avocado and pea flavoured. However the baby could not stand carrot flavoured baby food, he absolutely hated it the few times Esme had tried to feed it to him.
Now he was being fed apple and baby Rainn couldn't be happier.

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