Making a connection [10]

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It was the following day.

The "teenagers" were all being forced to go to school today, well all but one.

"So I can't stay?" Emmet asked out to Esme, him feeling heartbroken that he wasn't going to be staying home and looking after his best friend/nephew.
Alice and jasper were already outside waiting to leave, with Emmet and Rosalie standing just inside of the entranceway to the home, Emmet having the most heartbroken expression on his face.

"We discussed this yesterday, if you keep missing school people may start asking questions" Esme explained. she was trying to shoo off the children so that she would be able to get ready as she was planing on going out. Today luckily was rather gloomy, so they were all alright to be outside, especially with the weather forecast predicting rain later on in the day. So they were all able to safely go outside.

"But ma" Emmet whined almost begging, Rosalie holding him firmly not letting him not leave to go to school with her.
"No buts, also this is giving your brother his chance to step up. You being here probably wont help, especially if Rainn knows you're here" Esme explained to the large vampire.Edward had requested to spend the day alone with Rainn this being thought up from his conversation with Carlisle, said vampire becoming quite impressed with is sons initiative.
Emmet would have to be away, so that Rainn wouldn't be able to block Edward out and just hang around with his uncle Emmet, Rainn was smarter that he seemed.

"But aren't you going to also be here?"Emmet asked trying to catch his mother out therefore allowing him to stay home. Emmet knew this day would take seemingly eons of years to get through, he himself didn't know if he'd make it, all he wanted to do every day was to hang out with Rainn but now it was seeming that he was being demoted of Rainns day carer.

"No, I've decided to keep out of the way as you are going to" Esme stated affirming that Emmet was going to be clear of the home for a while. Esme had already planned to go out shopping for some bits around town and meeting with some friends she'd made during her volunteering activity's.

"What if he misses me and starts to cry?" Emmet was willing to say anything to stay at home with Rainn, not to mention how much it hurt him to see Rainn upset. Emmet could only ensure that Rainn was okay was if Rainn was with him, leading Emmet to want to be with Rainn all day everyday.
"That's the point Emmet, Edward needs to figure this out on his own. We all decided on this yesterday"Esme told Emmet blocking him from going further into the home. Emmet was slightly taken aback with what Esme had said,
"When?"he asked not remembering this conversation at all.

"When you were putting Rainn down to sleep"

"But-" Emmet started baffled before Rosalie grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the door, Emmet having no choice to stay home.

Esme the began going back to the kitchen from the front door to where she knew that she had left her bag, only to see Edward lurking on the stairs.

"You're probably going to want to wake him up soon, he gets really moody if he sleeps too much" Esme advised her son, knowing how to start off Rainns day happily.

"Where are you going to be?"Edward asked.
"Just around town, Why?"

"Just in case". Edward wanted to know where Esme was just in case all went south and he couldn't handle Rainn. Edward was nervous that something would go wrong and that Rainn would then end up in harms way, this being one of the reasons he allowed Emmet to take care mainly of Rainn as Emmet seemed to know how to handle Rainn and care for him best. Edward trusted Emmet around Rainn as he did most of his family, however Rainn seemed so content with Emmet that Edward preferred Emmet to be around Rainn.

"You'll be fine, just treat him as you did when he was little, you were so good to him" Esme said, wanting Edward to not feel like he had no clue what he was doing. When Rainn was freshly adopted Edward was at the back and call of Rainns every issue, showing his attentive nature in taking care of Rainn. 'What happened?' Esme though to herself reminiscing slightly.

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