010. New Addition

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~New Addition~

~New Addition~

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Late at night as the moon shone above the sky, accompanied by the stars. Many slept peacefully in their beds, knowing tomorrow was a new day. Others were out, drinking, getting into trouble or simply having a walk around town. Everything was simple in this small town in England. Everything was always the same every night...except tonight.

Screams echoed throughout the Thornhart home. The screams bounced around the walls letting each person in the house know what was happening. To some people, it was almost like a deja vu but to others, it felt like a living nightmare.

"Ugh." Persephone groaned, covering her ears with her pillow. "Out of all the 24 hours in a day, it had to be now."

Even from the other side of the house, the screams abruptly woke Persephone up. As much as she tried going back to sleep, she simply couldn't. Her sister continued screaming, making Persephone realize she would not sleep any time soon.

While the rest of the house was trying their best to get some sleep. Others stood awake. Margaret was the first one to run to Athena's room, knowing these screams very well.

"Just keep pushing Athena, you're almost there." Margaret encouraged the girl.

"I can't take it anymore." Athena cried, sweat dripping all over her body. "It hurts."

"That motherhood for you dear. Just a couple more pushes and you're done."

Just like everyone in the house, Athena and Daniel were peacefully sleeping in their room until a sharp pain coursed through Athena's body. She knew what this could mean and quickly woke Daniel up to get Margaret—afterall, she was the expert in delivering babies.

As Athena kept pushing with all her might, Daniel was outside of the room, pacing back and forth. His nerves kept him from staying still as he continued to hear Athena's screams.

"You'll get used to it." Francis stared at the man in front of him as he continued pacing back and forth.

Daniel stopped for a moment to stare at the older man. "I don't think I can ever get used to painful screams like that. How did you do it?"

Daniel couldn't believe how calm Francis was. His daughter was only a few feet away, screaming in agony and he didn't even flinch.

"When Rachel gave birth to Athena and Persephone I simply drank." Francis shrugged as he handed Daniel a cup of rum. "It helps calm the nerves."

Daniel carefully took the drink, glancing at the cup before looking back at him. "I'm surprised you were this calm when Persephone was born."

Daniel already knew the issue with Rachel no longer being able to carry another baby. The doctor had specifically told her she would no longer have any more kids. The pressure of having a boy grew even more. 

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