034. Awkward Conversations

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~Awkward Conversations~

~Awkward Conversations~

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It didn't take long for the two men to create an idea. A way to end the marriage between James and Persephone. Daniel would admit, it would be hard. Trying to break up the two people that did everything in their power to be together. Robert's plan was convincing, it had sounded like he put a lot of time and energy into this plan. But the question wasn't necessarily how it would work, but will it work?

Daniel had to take the first step but the first step seemed impossible. There was no way he would be able to do it. But he knew just the person who would easily find the solution to his problem. The main problem was...will she even do it?

There he stood, leaning by the door, watching Athena put the boys to bed. Watching her tell them bedtime stories. Seeing the love and admiration from both her and the boys. Daniel knew more than anyone his boys preferred their mother than their father, especially Lucas.

Lucas was the oldest out of the three. At the age of 8, he knew a lot more things that have gone down within the Thornhart family. The treatment his aunt got and how she fought hard to get to where she's at. He heard everything. Every argument, every fight, every discussion. He heard it all. But it wasn't his place to speak on anything.

However, after Persephone had gone off and married James, Lucas didn't want to be on the sidelines. He saw the treatment his mother was getting from his father and all he could think about was to protect her. To protect his younger brothers. Hoping to never be like his father. And as Lucas kept growing, the image that he painted of his father was slowly melting away, slowly but surely, leaving his true self.

Sensing another presence in the room, Athena didn't need to look up to know Daniel was waiting for her. A pattern he would always do whenever he wanted to speak to her.

Kissing the top of her sons' heads, Athena started walking towards the door. Where her husband was waiting for her.

"Is there anything you would like to speak to me about?" Athena asked as she closed the door behind her. She didn't wait for Daniel to respond. Instead, she started walking to her room, knowing Daniel was trailing behind her.

"In fact, I do." Daniel responded as he shut the door of their room. "It's about your sister."

This had gained Athena's attention as she finally turned around to face him. "What? Did something happen to her?"

"No." Daniel quickly replied, sensing how worried she had gotten. "At least, not that I know of."

"Daniel, this isn't funny."

"I don't know anything that is going on with Persephone. If anything, you should know what's going on with Persephone better than I can."

Daniel didn't know anything that was going with in Persephone's life. It was almost like she never existed. Athena, on the other hand, pretty much knew everything that was going on with Persephone. How she was doing, how the marriage life was going for her and what were her plans for the future.

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