022. Secret Date

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~Secret Date~

~Secret Date~

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As night turned into morning, Persephone woke up by the sunlight that was peeking through the curtains. The events of last night seemed to resurface as she stared up at the ceiling. From spending time with James to arguing with Robert, her night became a roller coaster.

"I'm glad you're up." Arabella announced as she walked into the room. "You have a busy day today."

This made Persephone sit up quickly. She didn't know she had any plans for today. In fact, she was sure she didn't have any plans.

"Bella, what are you talking about? I don't have plans today."

Arabella smiled, coming out of Persephone's closet with a dress in hand. "Of course you do. The Duke of Salisbury has personally asked me to get you ready to spend the day with him."

"How did this even happen? I was just with him last night?" Persephone had so many questions to ask her handmaiden.

"He was around the area this morning and asked me to get you ready. He didn't exactly tell me what you guys were going to do so don't ask me."

Persephone was thrilled to hear that she was going to spend some time with James. She didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.

"But Daniel's home. He won't let me leave if he sees him." As much as Persephone wanted to venture out and spend the day with James, she knew the moment Daniel would hear about this, he'd never let her leave the house.

"That's why we are doing this in secret." Arabella whispered, grabbing Persephone by the arm. "Now, let's get you ready. You don't want to keep the Duke waiting."

Persephone would probably spend a lifetime thanking Arabella for what she has done. She didn't need to do any of this. Arabella didn't need to stop James in the hallway. She didn't need to send Persephone's letter to James. Yet she did. Arabella wanted Persephone to be happy and she knew that happiness was James.

"You didn't tell me what happened last night." Arabella spoke as she combed through Persephone's hair.

Persephone sighed as she realized there were a lot of things Arabella didn't know. Very important things that she was sure to get annoyed about. "Everything was going great until Robert had shown up and ruined everything."

"Why? What happened?"

"I was spending time with James and everything felt right for once. Robert soon showed up wanting to talk privately and I agreed."

"Persephone Thornhart, are you crazy? You can't just talk to a guy alone, let alone him. Do you know what people would think about that?" Arabella couldn't help but scold the girl. They may have been the same age but Persephone did something very dumb. "What if that was his plan all along? To have people find out you guys were alone together or worse, he would have done something to you."

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