016. Here we go...Again

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~Here we go...Again~


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Today was a big day. A day many were dreading and a day many were excited about.

For Persephone however, this meant change. As she watched Arabella tighten her corset through the mirror, she couldn't help but think how fast things were moving. Just four years ago, she was burying Francis. Now, she is starting her first social season.

"At least make sure I can breathe, Bella." Persephone looked at the girl through the mirror.

Arabella looked up and smiled. "You have to look your very best, your grace. Today's your big day."

Persephone rolled her eyes. "What did I say about calling me that?"

"I just like annoying you." Arabella shrugged, finishing up. "There, now you look like a princess."

Persephone looked at herself in the mirror and actually inspected herself. Her dress, white and gold, fit her in all the right places. Her hair that would usually fall down on her back was now up in a curly bun, leaving two strands of curls on the side of her face.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Athena gushed as she walked towards her.

Athena couldn't believe her day had arrived. Athena watched her sister grow into the woman that she is today and she couldn't be more prouder. Her sister was no longer a little girl.

"Thank you, Athena." Persephone watched as Arabella placed a diamond necklace around her neck.

"Don't forget the most important piece." Athena placed the silver crown on top of her sister's head. "This crown has been passed down from generation to generation. Mother had given it to me and now, I'm giving it to you."

Athena didn't have a girl. Stuck with three boys, she practically had no other choice but to give it to Persephone. She knew her sister would cherish it more than anyone.

"Are you nervous?"

"Athena, I'm about to see the Queen, of course I'm nervous." Persephone nervously laughed as she adjusted the crown.

"I'm sure she'll love you." Margaret added. "Look how time has gone by. I remember when you were just a small child, now look at you."

Margaret couldn't help but feel sad. Not just for herself but for Rachel. How Rachel craved to watch Persephone start her social debut. To watch her youngest child be married off to the love of her life. It saddened Margaret to no end but she didn't want to voice it out. She didn't want to ruin such a happy moment with something like that.

"Don't worry Margaret, when I get married, I'm taking you with me." Persephone smiled at the older woman. She was much more than a nanny but a mother figure as well.

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