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Chapter 2

'Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow, oh wo-'

Damien tries not to shake in excitement, he's currently standing with the other students in an assembly at school. But that's not all,

He's next to Saiki!

Very convenient huh?

It's the beginning of the second year, he had went to the principal's office to get signed in and get a small tour of the place before hand.

The person who was the tour guide was none other than Kineshi Hairo.

"And this is the second year classroom! Where everyone does their best, if you need any help in this class just let me know"

He smiles at Damien, he is class representative in this classroom, so naturally he is a reliable person who can help. Like others in this anime, Damien also admires this person the most. Hairo helps others and has strong passion, he is Damien's second favorite character because of this.

So him not dying of excitement from meeting and speaking with his second favorite character is quite shocking.

Damien keeps all his exciting fanboy thoughts to himself and keeps his composure on the outside. Giving a smile back and nodding to Hairo, gives a few kind words back.

"Thank you Hairo, you've been the best with helping me. I hope we can be friends."

'I hope he wants to be friends too!'

Hairo smiles wider.

"Of course, let's be friends!"

Damien raises his fist in front of Hairo a signal for a fist bump, Hairo notices and raises his own and fist bumps with him.

But then Damien turned his fist around and opened his hand, revealing a piece of wrapped candy.

"A token of our newly found friendship!"

Damien speaks with enthusiasm. Hairo's eyes sparkle before taking it.

"Wow, thanks Lastname! Let's walk together to the assembly now. It's about to start"

He gives Damien a big grin, unwraps the candy and pops it into his mouth.

It tastes so sweet!

"Please, call me Damien, I'm from America so I'm used to people calling me by my first name"

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