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"Saiki talking"

'Saiki thinking'



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                          " やれやれ "

Chapter 3

'I'm Saiki Kusuo, and I'm a psychic'

Saiki is currently sitting quietly in his homeroom year 2 class, arms crossed on the desk. It's currently study break which means the students have time to themselves in the class room to study and do unfinished assignments.

Though, most of the other classmates are just talking with eachother rather than doing their work, Aside from a few, including a certain Genie psychic.

Damien wants to speak to the rest of the main characters, but his studies... need some attention first. It's not that he's stupid, it's just he isn't that smart either. As much as he wants to spend time with the cast, he can't fail to fall behind or even transfer to a different class. Back to Saiki's inner monologe.

'I'm not like the rest of these students, I'm basically a God. Though that doesn't mean I want to be one'

Saiki internally sighs,

'Being a psychic isn't as good as you might think, I just want to be average, a mob character. Reading people's minds 24/7 and having eyes that see too well is a curse. Though.. for some reason, there are exceptions that makes my powers fail'

Saiki side glances at Damien reading his notes and writing things down. Actually, scratch that, now he's drawing a puppy on the corner of the paper. Not a bad doodle.

'Aside from Nendou, I can't read this guy's thoughts at all. And it's a lot harder for me to see through him. Not in a weird way of course, you know what I mean. This doesn't even happen with Nendou. It's like my powers are weakened. I tried using clairvoyance on him but it's a little blurry'

Saiki suspects that Damien isn't as normal as he appears to be, which is correct, but he won't know that until later on. Damien can feel someone staring at him, he turns into the direction of where he felt the stare and was shocked to catch Saiki staring at him from the side.

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