❀ Chapter 11 ❀

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When Edmund returns, I have cleaned my plate, he sees it and gives me a smile of approval. A shiver runs down my spine with the intensity in his eyes. He is walking toward me and his blue eyes pierce any protective shell I have up. I always try to do the right thing but I think I might, unfortunately, be willing to break some rules to get this look from him. He always looks so confident and well dressed. I can see why all the ladies seek him out for attention.

Edmund stops in front of us, his eyes have not left me. Stephen is still enjoying our discussion but he pauses long enough to find out what Edmund wants. "Miss Cavendish, I have returned for our walk around the garden, as promised." 

Mr. Wimple's smile drops. This is a good sign that he is enjoying his time with me. I try to encourage him. "Mr. Wimple, I have so enjoyed our discussions today. I hope to see you again soon." A small smile makes its way back onto his face. "Do you know if you are attending the ball at Rightmore Park tomorrow?"

He looks a little forlorn, "I-I am not r-r-really sure. I will need to ask my mother as she arranges all of our engagements. I hope, however, I hope very much that we shall attend so that we can continue our discussion." He hesitates. "Al-although, I should mention that I am not a very accomplished dancer." I'm so proud of him for maintaining eye contact with me as he spoke. He is doing so well.

I laugh and it seems to please him. "Well then, we will be well matched as I have only recently learned to dance." He seems encouraged by my admission but now seems at a loss of how to say goodbye. Stephen looks to Edmund for help.

Edmund seems annoyed by our entire exchange, "Take her hand and kiss right above her knuckles. Don't touch your lips to her!" He says the last part more urgently. Stephen does as he suggests. Edmund snatches my arm away and entwines it with his. "Good day, Stephen." 

"Goodbye, Mr. Wimple!" I call.

"Goodbye, I hope to see you soon, Miss Cavendish." I give him an approving smile at him over my shoulder. He did so well saying goodbye.

Edmund places his free hand atop mine and brushes his thumb across my knuckles as if to push off Stephen's kiss. I look down at his hand and back up at him. "You realize that you are the only one bold enough to touch your lips to my knuckles." I glance into his eyes. "Which I know you do only to see me blush." His eyebrows come up in feigned innocence. "Edmund, you really are such a tease." He chuckles then. It is time for me to admonish him. "You really needn't be so bossy with Stephen, you know." I stop to smell a particularly lovely rose and Edmund pulls it over closer to my face. I smile in appreciation of his gesture, protecting me from the risk of getting poked by the thorns.

He teasingly brushes the flower over the end of my nose. "Stephen has not courted a lady before, Lizzy. He is obviously in great need of instruction and since he didn't seem to mind my tutoring, you certainly should not have a problem with it. After all, it is for your benefit." He lets go of the rose and reaches down to pluck a cluster of very small daisies from the low foliage. When he stands we continue along the path.

"Your explanation would lead me to believe you have a history in courting. This is not a story I have heard, please enlighten me on your experience." We nod every so often to people passing by.

He shakes his head a bit, "I have not courted anyone, Lizzy, if that is what you are suggesting. But I have been conversing with females since I was young and I know how to behave around them. Mr. Wimple's behavior toward you suggests he has no idea of how to act in the presence of a lady." He looks down at me, "I will say, you brought him out of his sulking much more quickly than I thought possible. You clearly need to have more reserve with your eyes and smile." He stops and turns to look at me, his hands rest on my upper arms. I can't resist the sigh that leaves me at having him so close.

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