❀ Chapter 21 ❀

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I am sitting in the library, having the refreshments Fields brought me. I use the little tongs to put a sugar cube into the tea while nibbling on a sugary confection. 

Hmmm, let me see. I am trying to come up with a new version of my letter to Lord Barkley for Edmunds' eyes.

My Dearest Lord Barkley,
I was overcome with joy at receiving your letter today. There is nothing that could have made me happier, excepting if you were to have arrived yourself. I have missed you so dreadfully these last weeks. Please, please, hurry back to London. If you are quick enough you could stop by Beaumont Manor and take me to London with you in your carriage. I long to see you and will wait most eagerly for you to return to me.

With all my love,
Yours, Beth

P.S. I cannot wait to meet all of your lovely dogs. Perhaps you will let me name some of the puppies? I am partial to the names Ferdinand and Reginald.

I can't help but giggle as I finish it. Hopefully Fields can keep a straight face when giving it to Edmund. 

The snack is quite refreshing and just as I am taking the last sip of tea, Fields is showing Rachel into the library. She is holding a pretty bonnet, a pair of black gloves and a black Spencer jacket in her arms.

I hand the letter to Fields, "The improved version." He nods and takes the letter as if he doesn't know it is a joke.

Rachel helps me into my clothing. I have never owned a Spencer jacket before and I am guessing it is one of the items Edmund ordered for me. It covers my chest and has long sleeves. It stops at my ribcage. With gloves and hat in place, I thank Rachel.

"Of course, Miss. Will there be anything else?"

"No, thank you Rachel." I walk out the library door and into the foyer. 

William, Fredrick, and Beatrice are all standing there waiting. Beatrice is wearing one of her purple dresses with a bright green Spencer jacket. "Oh. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

William comes right over to take my arm. "Not at all, we are just now ready ourselves." Beatrice takes Fred's arm and we walk toward the door.

Before we get to it, the door bursts open and two very good looking young men rush through the door laughing and talking. One has light colored hair and the other's hair is almost black. They see us and not unlike exuberant puppies rush over to greet us. They both hug William which seems overly friendly, as men usually just bow or maybe shake hands. As I am holding William's arm, I get caught up in the embraces.

The blond man steps back a bit then takes my hand and kisses over it. "And whoever do we have here?"

William reaches over to snatch my hand and put it back where it was on his arm. "Miss Elizabeth Cavendish, Miss Beatrice Tufton, this is Daniel Saville, my younger brother, gesturing to the blond. And this is James Westworth, Lord Westworth's younger brother. You both remember Fred Atbury." We all give proper greetings.

Daniel is a flirt, he winks at me before teasing his brother. "William would have you think of us as babies, Miss Cavendish. When he introduces us as the 'younger brothers' you need know that we are less than two years younger. Certainly a suitable age for all the young ladies at the party." His easy manner is like his brother and it makes me smile. "Where are you all off to?"

William purses his lips, "We are going to practice some archery." As William explains it, Mr. Goddard and the Miss Elliotts come into the foyer from the parlor. Everyone is introduced to the younger brothers.

James, Edmund's dark haired brother, seems excited about archery, "I love archery. We should all go over! Come along everyone! Follow me!" His enthusiasm makes him seem younger than he is. He seems very different than Edmund.

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