❀ Chapter 14 ❀

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Bea and I are beside ourselves with excitement as we ride in the carriage with Aunt Tufton to Beaumont Manor. Bea is excited because we have been invited to a house party at an Earl's house, who happens to be the most sought after catch of the season. I am excited because I haven't seen Edmund for days and I get to see him in his home. Emily, the Tufton's lady's maid, also seems exhilarated to be going. I now know that when you go to a house party each guest brings their own valet or lady's maid. I can explain to you the effect that the pull of gravity has on the height and velocity of an object. I can also explain in detail the quadratic equations that go along with it, but going to a house party is something I know nothing about.

Happily, my aunt has all but abandon her lectures to me, conceivably because I have gained the notice of an Earl. She understands from Beatrice that he is helping me find a husband. And they both still believe he is interested in Bea but they also acknowledge that he could also be taken with Regina because they think she is the most beautiful, fashionable lady of the season.

The drive from London has taken about four hours but we are almost there. I have thoroughly enjoyed traveling because the trees and fields have been a refreshing change from the stuffiness of London. To hear the birds chirping and smell the greenery is something I've missed from living in the country when I moved to London. The small town of Woburn, which we are driving through, is quite sweet with its little shops and stalls. 

The carriage slows as we are close to Beaumont Manor House now. I am both excited and nervous to meet Mr. Goddard, another potential suitor. I am a bit disappointed that Mr. Wimple was not invited. Edmund decided that Stephen was too enamored of me and it would be better for him to wait until the house party is over to see me again. 

"Mr. Wimple needs time to cool off a bit, Lizzy," Edmund explained. 

I hope Stephen is able to keep up with his friendliness while I am away. I saw him yesterday and encouraged him to continue socializing in my absence. He said that he would try. I had to refrain from saying 'good boy' to him, as it would have come out more patronizing than I would have intended. He told me he would miss having my hand to hold and my face to look at. Such a sweet thing to say. He is really doing very, very well. 

Our carriage slows and turns a corner and the wheels make a crunching sound on the manicured gravel path to the most lovely home I have ever seen. The symmetry of the building is somehow comforting, it is large but still homey looking. The house is happily situated among the nearby gardens and fields, with a wooded area to the rear right of the home. There are lavender hedges lining the drive and I take a deep breath to enjoy the pleasing aroma. As we pull up to the front steps I see Edmund stepping out the front door. He looks comfortable and as confident as ever. It is the most relaxed and happy that I have ever seen him. He must enjoy being home. There is a man in a dark suit standing beside him, who looks to be the butler.

Once we have come to a complete stop the footman opens the carriage door and pulls down the step. Then he assists both my aunt and cousin out first. As I get out of the carriage I cannot help but to beam at Edmund over the footman's shoulder. I couldn't hide my happiness if I tried. He returns my smile with one every bit as enthusiastic. "Welcome to Beaumont! We are so happy that you have finally arrived!" He says it to us all, but his eyes are on me and my heart flutters. I have not seen him for five days and it was far too long. I thought perhaps my inappropriate affection for him might dim during his time away. I can see now that it has not. At all.

He has the most charming smile as he says, "I have been pacing all day in anticipation of your arrival. Please come in!"

My aunt smiles up at him, "Are we the first to arrive, Lord Westworth?"

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