❀ Chapter 25 ❀

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"Good morning Flo. Thank you for the lovely fire." Florence gives a small smile to me today before she curtsies and leaves, so I think I am making headway with her. I did tell Mrs. Stewart how happy I was with Flo to try to counteract how awful Regina was to her.

Rachel comes in then talking a mile a minute, she reminds me of Bea. "I have thought of the perfect outfit for riding today. I was worrying over it last night, since you do not have a riding habit. But then I remembered the dark blue cotton with the dark grey piping. The material is almost thick enough to be a light canvas and the style is reminiscent of a habit. With a Spencer jacket, gloves, and the right hat it will be quite appropriate."

I don't say it, but this is much more detail than I require. I just smile and nod knowing she will put me into the best dress. Rachel takes her time to make my hair look detailed and perfectly neat. She adds some sweet little woven braids. I am always surprised when she uses the hot iron on my hair with such skill that she doesn't burn herself or me.

She gives me Tanner's handkerchief before I leave. I am so impressed with how nice it looks. "I can't believe you were able to get all the staining out, Rachel. And you hemmed the frayed parts, it looks almost new!"

"I actually wasn't able to get all the stains out." She flips over the handkerchief. "So I embroidered his initials and a little horse over that dark corner."

I can't help but give her an excited hug. "Tanner is going to love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Rachel beams, and I can tell she is proud of her work.

Breakfast is much more busy this morning as I am down later than usual. The gentlemen rise as I enter the room and everyone gives kind morning greetings. Regina has taken the seat next to Edmund. I avoid looking him in the eye, I am not sure if he is still thinking about last night. After dishing my plate, I move to the other end of the table and sit between Mary and James.

Daniel winks at me from across the table and gets an elbow in his side and a glare from William. I cover the giggle that I can't contain. Growing up with them must have been a lot of fun.

James leans over in his signature whisper, but then sits upright before saying, "Oh! I almost forgot, I am under strict regulations not to whisper to you. We must appear to have no secrets between us." He glances down the table at Edmund. My eyes flicker briefly to him and I see he is watching us closely. Hmmm, I wonder who could have told James not to whisper to me. "I was only going to say that you disappeared last night without saying good night to any of us. When we discovered you gone we were all quite put out."

I raise my eyebrows at him, what an odd thing to be disappointed over, "I apologize for sneaking out. I was tired and didn't want to disrupt everyone's conversations." I touch his arm. "I often have difficulty behaving perfectly properly. But I will endeavor to say good night to you this evening." He smiles as if nothing else would make him happy. He is easily pleased.

Around the table there are morning conversations, everyone discussing their day plans when we are all interrupted in loud French. Regina declares, "Mon beau, Edmund and I are planning to do archery this morning. He didn't get a turn with me yesterday because someone was monopolizing his time. So if any of you want to watch me practice archery, you are welcome to join us." 

When no one responds, Mary turns towards me and bites her bottom lip to keep from laughing. I have to cover my mouth again. It is so much healthier to laugh at Regina with a friend.

Mary touches my arm, "Bea, Leah, I and some of the gentlemen are walking into Woburn this morning. Would you like to join us, Beth?"

It is so kind of her to offer, now I wish I didn't have plans. I start to answer but am interrupted by Jonathan from across the table. "I am teaching Miss Cavendish to ride this morning, so she will be unable to walk to town with everyone."

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