000 ➜ NOTES

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➤ This is written in Sierras point of view and I believe as a raptor, her ability to take in and dissolve human knowledge and language wouldn't just snap into place the minute she's born since she's well... a dinosaur. So for the first chapter, her sentences are quite short and compact, The baby raptor has a lot to learn!

After the first chapter, sentences will flow more and she'll be inclined to 'listen' to commands more than the other raptors however her instinct as a wild creature will appear once in a while so she won't be a 'tamed dog' type of dinosaur that follows all orders to a T which I've seen in some fanfics even though her genetic modification was aimed for her to basically be a large war dog.

➤ MY PLANS for this book are not set in stone but I'm trying to practice fight scenes and gore. Please note that this ill try to write as much words as possible!

➤ HER MODIFICATIONS, spoilers just in case you want to skip over this paragraph! However it's not much of a spoiler since it's just some handy knowledge because I'm not going into this much detail in the story!

Sierras DNA was modified with:

- cuttlefish DNA which caused her to take an earthy colour pattern for blending in with her surroundings.

- wood frog DNA which caused her to be able to freeze her body at will, this causes her heart rate to plummet to zero while still being alive. The downside is the fact her body loses its ability to regulate body temperature so while it's great when staying silent it's not so handy when facing something that can spot heatwaves.

- tree dart frog DNA which was implemented in a tiny amount because of its poisonous body so it didn't affect her as much as the others. It seemed the scientists didn't want to deal with a intelligent raptor that can dish out poison. This DNA allows Sierra to slightly alter her body temperature even when she has froze her body. It was added to counter the downside of the wood frog DNA.

- German shepherd DNA which caused Sierra to have a bond with Owen Grady on a different level than Alpha and Pack mate. Their intelligence, loyalty and hardworking nature alongside their ability to follow commands enticed the scientists to see what would happen.

➤ while I'm not an artist and won't force you to see my terrible works of art I picked one of the internet that sort of resembles what I picture

The only thing wrong about the picture is the injuries and how vibrant the red is, I would tone it down a lot for her camouflage.

Her main distinctive features are her greyish body with brown and muddy red markings.

Her main distinctive features are her greyish body with brown and muddy red markings

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