006 ➜ SIERRA

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TIME HAD STOPPED THE MINUTE I HAD HEARD THOSE WORDS. The familiar terror-stricken cry that I was all too used to entered my ears and rang every alarm bell in my brain. It screamed 'Danger', it screamed 'blood' and if most definitely screamed... 'Run'.

I knew that if we didn't get the boy out of the pen immediately, we'll be dealing with some hefty law suits... and my job on the line. Vic Hoskins had been long forgotten about as I screamed out commands to the workers. 'Save him' had filled every tiny molecule of thought process and I could not longer think properly. Losing my ability to think coherent thoughts should've been my first warning to step back and breathe... but I didn't or maybe I couldn't. Instead, I did the most stupidest thing I had probably every done at that time. I walked down the creaky metal stairs that really needed to be replaced and I headed towards the gate. I held my breath to the point I felt myself getting dizzy and laughed at myself as I entered the enclosure... Without a gun on me.

Way to go Owen Grady. Way to go get yourself killed.

It must've been Adrenaline or horror of what could happen if I didn't that pushed me to go inside without any protection. Or, it was that young, childish thought that Sierra would protect me like I had dreamed about when I was young. A stupid idiotic idea, no wild creature, no matter how tamed it was would fight the— no, their pack to save a human, a mere, tiny human. But, those are the thoughts you receive when you're a ten year old boy.

I could see the Raptors circle around the winded kid, he looked about fifteen, maybe seventeen? I was never good at ages. Shock and absolute raw petrified horror plastered itself all over the boy's face as he slowly moved backwards to miss Echo who snapped her jaws forward without any warning.

"Owen! Get out of there!" I could hear Barry yell but I was too far in to back out now.

And I had noticed one thing that gave me hope, Sierra wasn't in that huddle of Hungry Raptors.

* * * *

l WATCHED SILENTLY FROM THE BUSHES, my sisters circled the poor kid. I did not find it at all entertaining to stalk him in circles or in fact, kill him. I knew that was their plan, the pig laid next to a tree stump. All of its body completely destroyed, a few bones thrown around to say that it was once a living creature.

I had heard a snap In the trees and my head instinctively snapped in the direction of noise. Was security already here? But why would they enter the enclosure?... oh no. Oh no no no no, you have to be kidding me. He wouldn't do that, would he?

"Owen?" I almost whispered but then I remembered, he doesn't understand me. The language barrier we had between us mentally killed me.

A tree branch snapped. I got myself down low, my tail wagged slowly, "Sierra?" A man whispered back, no- not just a man, it was Owen. My body relaxed and I stood back up. I could see him now, his tensed body, his crazed eyes. He shouldn't be in here. He's not Owen right now.

"Owen, you need to leave," a whine that fell on deaf ears. I nudged him with my head, pushing him back.

He resisted, "Sierra, stop," he commanded and I stopped, I stopped and I watched him with confused eyes. He turned his body to face the boy and the four raptors who were toying with him.

Oh, he's here to save him.

Should I help? I need to get Owen out of here before my sisters spot him and to do that, the boy needs to get out of here alive too.

Owen held onto a tree as he balanced himself before he started walking toward the pack, it only took a while for my sisters and the young boy to notice him.

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