009 ➜ SIERRA

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ANGER, BLOOD AND REVENGE; that's what I smelt immediately when me and my sisters had passed a certain point in the somehow never-ending woods. They definitely had smelt it too as Charlie chirped In disgust, "what the...?" She whispered almost gagging. She was right, the smell was wretched.

"The blood isn't the one we're following," I noted while lowering my body and nervously sniffing the ground a little causing Blue and Delta to check around too, their body's were nearly glued together. They were on guard, they knew whatever did this was stronger than us all. There was a body and a lot of blood, that was undeniable, "its definitely not the scent that we are meant to follow. But then . . . who's is it?" Blue questioned quietly while she stepped over a large circle of torn off flesh, Delta shadowed her. Echo stayed still by me, she looked a tiny bit disturbed by the amount of blood and body parts splattered everywhere.

Owen and the others were only a few seconds away but I could hear them before I could see them, "Why have they stopped suddenly?" A woman inside the Motorbike asked and Owen was the one to Answer, "No idea, I don't see any signals of—," he got cut off by a man who yelled 'blood!' and picked up a gun that was now aimed at me.

Stupid stupid man. Doesn't he know not to yell when there's a wild monster roaming the woods you're in?

Owen immediately jumped off his bike and gave us a signal to halt and walked towards the pool of gore that quivered and danced in the creeping sunlight that had drizzled itself through the gigantic trees. Owen crouched down on one of his knees and carefully scooped some dark-red blood in a clear small bottle. I decided to take this moment of rest to let my breath catch up, something I really needed. Owen passed the bottle to a man in a brown car before going to his bike again, "It's not the packs doing, I can tell you that," Owen stated calming some people down; for the others, it scared them even more, the words he said next only made it worse, "not even the pack hunt like that. Whatever did that, is a monster,"

"This seems very, incredibly, dangerously, extremely bad," Echo barely squeaked out, "I don't want to die Sierra, I really don't," Her voice was soft, her words deep. They didn't match the Echo I knew. They were foreign and they felt like the words of someone else. I knew why though, She was scared. She was so incredibly, dangerously, extremely scared.

And the bad thing was, I was too.

My stomach had flipped upside-down and my eyes were fuzzy and blurry. But I think my sisters were too, not one of us wanted to be that Dinosaur that now laid In front of us. Head ripped off somewhere, probably eaten and our bodies sprayed all over the floor. That was torture, and that wasn't what we wanted, no, not at all.

It didn't take long for Owen to give us the command to hunt again. But this time, the humans had caught up. It was I that initiated it, I had no drive to find this thing; not anymore, why would I? Why would I try to actively find something that wants the whole world dead? Me included. Owen was in between me and Blue, the rest had fallen behind slightly. The only reason I was in front was because Owen was too, I couldn't let him be on his own. He had no way of defending himself against a beast like the one we were tracking. I didn't even know it's name, all I knew was the stupid 'code 19' and the misfortune it had brought upon us all.

Blue slowed down, she was on my right, "it's close," she told me while frantically throwing her head left and right, her body was tense. Delta stood next to me now on my left, "Is it?" Delta whispered, her eyes had dilated. Echo and Charlie came manically sprinting around the corner next alongside a few green, strong looking cars.

"Sir, they've all halted again," Barry spoke, Owen nodded, "they got something," He chatted into his bike and Barry.

I saw Claire bang shut a car door, I remember the two young boys I saw earlier were in there. I felt bad for them. There was an empty feeling in my heart, was it guilt? I didn't want anyone to die. Let alone two young boys. Claire went back into the front of the car and reached behind her, she slid something over a window, Blocking the view I guessed. Even she knew not many people here were going to make it out alive. "You know what No, no, no. You guys are not gonna watch this. Keep the window closed," she denied as they complained which only confirmed my thoughts.

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