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The next breakfast was unusually silent, mostly because I lacked the energy to start any sort of conversation

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The next breakfast was unusually silent, mostly because I lacked the energy to start any sort of conversation. I felt so mentally drained that it began to take a toll on my physical health, causing my body to be unable to function properly. While cooking breakfast, I had made at least a couple dozen mistakes, causing the bagels I made to come out slightly burnt. Afterwards I had done nothing except profusely apologize.

The sound of the silverware clinking against our plates was slightly unnerving, and I found myself disillusioned in my sudden change of demeanor. It's pathetic. I can't even handle my own emotions properly.

It's not like Alhaitham was about to start chatting either. Ninety-nine percent of the time I was always the one starting conversations and he would just kind of idly respond. Normally I could think of something to talk about, but I was just completely drawing a blank.

"Thank you for the food. It's delicious," he broke the silence with surprising words of praise.

"Ah, there's no need to try and make me feel better," I smiled and set down my utensils, "but I appreciate it. I'm finished eating, is it alright for me to take my leave?"

"You've hardly eaten anything," he pointed out.

"I just don't have much of an appetite today," I picked up my plate and began to briskly walk towards the door. "Sorry for the trouble."

Opening his mouth as if he was about to say something, Alhaitham raised his hand slightly as if to beckon me back; but just before he made the motion he faltered and let his hand fall back on his lap.

"Alright. Have a good day. I won't be home from work until late."

"Yeah, you too."

The morning had gone by in a blur and it had now reached noontime. Lying in bed won't do you any good. Crawling out from under my covers, I headed downstairs. And there, sitting in the living room, was—

"Jeez, you scared me," I let out a sigh of relief as I realized the uninvited guest had just been Ayato. A second later, I remembered that Alhaitham had told me that Ayato had been prodding around in my personal business, so I mentally took back the relief I had felt in that moment. "Why are you here? How did you even get inside?"

"I have my ways," he smiled. "Shall we have a chat, Miss (Y/n)?"

I sat on the couch opposite him, crossing my legs and fidgeting my hands, not knowing how to sit while I was under his knowing stare. Despite his somewhat polite and docile era, I knew that I couldn't take his appearance at face value, especially since he had resorted to underhanded tactics to help his business succeed.

"I'm sure Alhaitham has informed you about my prodding into your life," his lips curved upwards just slightly, somehow making him seem even more intimidating, "and I would like to sincerely apologize for that. I know that it was quite an underhanded way of going about things, which is a poor reflection on my company's morals. I assure you that I will never resort to such a thing again, on the Kamisato name."

He doesn't seem disingenuous yet I can't make myself believe him after what he did...
"I understand what you're saying," I forced a polite tone to make myself seem more business-like, "and there's no need to worry. I won't go around spreading negative rumors about your company due to this occasion. However, I would prefer if in the future you avoided looking at my personal information without my disclosure."

He dipped his head. "Of course. There's no need to be so stiff around me as well. I hope that from this point on we can maintain a positive relationship, for the purposes of both ourselves and the future."

I nodded, feeling slightly more reassured.


He stood up and walked over to me, suddenly looming over me. His violet eyes were swimming with so much intelligence and diligence that it caused me to intertwine my hands out of anxiety.

"There's one last thing I'd like to tell you, though. It's about you and your 'husband,'" he leaned down so that his breath was on my ear. "You see, the truth is—"

Tick. Tick.

The sound of the grand clock echoed through the room.

My face went white as sheet as the information he had just disclosed materialized into my mind. Lies. But he didn't seem like the type to lie about such an important thing.

"Sorry for leaning in so close," Ayato pulled away and smiled gently at me, his eyes displaying no warmth. "I didn't want the security cameras to capture the footage and read my lips to receive the information. It's extremely confidential, only you and I know. Let's keep it that way, shall we?"

I stared at him in shock, completely and utterly dumbfounded. All I could do in the end was nod shakily.

"Good. I once again apologize for springing that on you so suddenly, but better now than never. Before it becomes too late to turn back, you know? In books I always found that cliché quite contrived, to be honest." When he looked at me again, Ayato's eyes genuinely seemed to hold some sympathy. "I apologize that you are being put in this situation, Miss (Y/n). If you ever need some company, I would not mind lending you my presence as compensation for the trouble this will most likely cause you."

Placing a business card on the table, Ayato gave me one last wave before exiting the house.

I curled my knees up against my chest and buried my head between them, uncertainty and shock bubbling at the forefront of my swimming thoughts.

All will be revealed in time kakakKaaka

thank you all for the support on my last chapter! All the comments made my day and I am grateful to be blessed with you guys as my readers <33. -Wasabi

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