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Alhaitham had always been defined by those around him as idealistic

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Alhaitham had always been defined by those around him as idealistic. He didn't particularly understand why, but he figured if that was what people decided to perceive him as, he would just let it be. There was no point in arguing over spilt milk, and denying their claims likely wouldn't change their opinion.

The definition of idealistic is 'being characterized by idealism,' which in turn is defined as the metaphysical view that associates reality to ideas in the mind rather than to material objects. He had never given thought to the idea that he was idealistic, so even up to this day he still didn't know if he was or wasn't. It just wasn't something that he cared about. Whether he was pessimistic, optimistic, idealistic, or any other type of 'istic' didn't particularly matter so long as he held his virtues to the highest standard.

He said such things, but was not able to put his own virtues into words. Alhaitham believed people that fell into strictly pessimism or optimism were boring to speak to, and often couldn't provide any helpful insight. Having such a boring and redundant world view that had been explored in so many case studies already was useless. Instead, he believed that the most insightful conversations that could be had were with those who had a range of contrasting beliefs.

George Orwell's phrase for this sentiment in his famous novel 1984 had been 'doublethink.' To believe two contrasting beliefs at once that defied logic was when the human brain was most interesting. Alhaitham found that many humans believed in contrasting ideas unbeknownst to themselves in a vain effort to protect themselves. If wanting to avoid falling into that trap was considered a form of idealism, then perhaps he was an idealist after all.

Or maybe it wasn't.

Alhaitham believed that his most important job in life was to carry out the duties given to him by his parents, or rather, his father. Explaining his entire past in a single phrase would be incredibly long and monotonous, so to summarize briefly in less than a sentence, his father passed on his wealth to Alhaitham when he turned twenty four, unable to properly care for his funds after the suicide of Alhaitham's mother. This was quite a summarized version of events but he didn't like thinking back on what happened back then.

When the image of him being the 'ideal husband' had conjured up because of some information, the popularity of his company spiked. Seeing this success, Alhaitham decided (along with his team) that it would be best to keep up the facade for the sake of the image of the company. Revealing the truth would lose them a lot of clients and could cause their company to crash and burn. The idea had been brought up a few times to hire an actress to pretend to be his wife in public, but Alhaitham countered this by saying that it would be idiotic as the actress likely wouldn't want to commit potentially decades to keeping up a charade. This was a fair argument, so the team decided collectively they would browse all of the employees and see if any of them were eligible as a candidate.

In the end they came up with three potential candidates: (Y/N) (L/N), Sarah Stone, and Raychell Williams. The one with the lowest standing in the company was (Y/N), so Alhaitham decided on asking her first. At least, that was what he told everyone else. In the end, he had decided on her from the beginning of the process because her father had been connected to several scams in the stock market that he meant to look into. He realized now that he had truly lucked out. To win the gamble and find a girl who was not only willing to keep up the act for as long as necessary, but also not babble to the press was truly remarkable, and he had nothing but the utmost respect for her and her cooperation.

He told his team that thanks to all that, leaving out the part where he was initially using her for her father, he was deciding to officially propose to her. The news had jumped on the rumors of him and (Y/N) having an affair, so being able to officially announce her as his bride without chance of her backing out in a few days would be helpful in (somewhat) preventing the rumors that were being spread about both of them.

Of course he also left out the part where he had developed romantic feelings for her, as it was far too embarrassing to admit that considering his normally formal and no-nonsense appearance in front of them.

Sitting at his office desk, he smiled softly to himself. A strange sort of anticipation was welling in his chest as, for the first time, he felt excited to get off work. The large and empty house he had lived in for so many years had now grown to feel more like a true home.

And he was quite sure that the only reason for that was because she was now there.

. . .

I lay on my bed, staring at the ring on my finger for the thousandth time today. It was hard to believe that this was reality and I was scared that every time I blinked my eyes shut, I would wake up and the 'this-was-all-a-dream' trope would play out. Alhaitham's proposal had distracted me from the overwhelming grief I felt over my father, and for that I was grateful.
A part of my former self felt as if it had been lost during the resolution of this whole situation, but perhaps that meant that it was time to start a new chapter for myself and grow as a person. Maybe if I worked hard enough, I would no longer hold such a deep hatred for my parents.

I glanced out the window of my bedroom and saw that Alhaitham's limousine was pulling into the house. I eagerly raced downstairs to greet him, as he had promised that today we would spend some time together after he finished work. As he opened the door I was met with the familiar sight of him clad in a black tuxedo, with his silky black gloves covering his hands.

His cold expression morphed into one of surprise upon seeing me waiting for him, but then shifted into a soft and gentle smile.

"Welcome home, Alhaitham!" I greeted him energetically, feeling the worries that weighed down my mind vanishing upon seeing his face. From this point onwards, things were likely going to be tough for the two of us as we strived to reach a comfortable life together. However I was sure that no matter what struggles we faced, as long as we were together we could make it through.

He seemed to share the same sentiments as he gently placed a hand on my head. "I'm home, (Y/n)."

And so concludes the main plot of Spurious! I started this book wayyy back in August, and it's crazy to think of how I'm only just finishing it now all the way in (almost) June. Just a heads up, although the story is officially over, there are going to be a bunch of chapters that will serve as the epilogue, hence why this ending may feel a bit unfinished. I'm not sure of every single element I will include in the epilogue chapters, but it will likely still take quite a bit to truly finish off all the stuff that I swore on my life I would do. (kiss scene, confession of love scene, wedding scene, snusnu, and of course the unresolved issues with both the main character's pasts). In the end, the epilogue chapters will serve as an extensive afterstory, but as the main story is finished I'd like to mark the story as completed. :)

This book means so much to me, and I'm incredibly grateful for all the support I've received. Although this may be an extensive finishing note, I am just soso grateful for all of the lovely comments and support you all have given me over the past 9 months. This is the first story I've ever had hit 300k reads, and it still feels surreal. 

It makes me feel a bit forlorn that I started this story before Alhaitham was even officially announced and he's getting his second rerun in like a few weeks.. anyhow, I hope that you all will continue to support me on my future endeavors! I have another Alhaitham fanfic I want to write, but tbh I have so many in progress works atm it might take me a few months to get to it T^T 

I'll be republishing the Spurious interlude chapters once I finish writing them as well, but once again I just want to thank everyone. I hope this story was able to bring you enjoyment, as that's the end goal for me. :) I am still quite the amateur in writing, but I hope to grow more and more advanced as time goes on, and it's all thanks to you guys for giving me the motivation to continue. 

Remember that you are not alone in your struggles, and make sure to take care of yourselves to the best of your ability. <33 There's no shame in taking a break every once in a while.

I hope to see you again--much love, wasabi.

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