Chapter 9

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24 completed just 2 to go. Even though I was beyond tired, I couldn't stop moving. My legs feel chafed from the denim between my thighs and my feet are sprouting blisters due to 10 hours of running, and I was sure that it was more than that as I look at the setting sun.

From there I could see Duryodhan and Shakuni mama saying something, I tried to wave at them but they didn't see me. I didn't know what they are talking about but it seemed pretty important.

I had taken a few brakes in between as I couldn't run nonstop. But I knew that if I stopped, then there is no way that I could continue. 'You can do it,' I said to myself. I looked at the castle again but I couldn't see him standing there and I got disappointed.

Why disappointed? I shouldn't be that. I shook my head and continued. I focused only on the line in front of me and used last of my strength to go there.

As soon as I reached there, I fell on my knees and relief flooded through me. I completed the challenge. I had no plans to get up. At last, I could just sit and rel-

"So, when do you plan to get up," startled I look up and there was Duryodhan looking down at me.

I didn't k now why but a big smile itched on my face as I saw him. I couldn't help it. Only God knows what he thought of me then.

He turned his face to the side and I thought I saw him fighting a smile. Maybe I am misreading him. Why would he want to smile?

Then he looked me in the eye and asked, "Do you even want to get up?"

"No, I don't," I replied.

"What!!" he glared at me. He looked like he heard a no first time. Maybe he did.

I made myself comfortable by sitting in Indian style. I patted at the place next to me and said, "Sit."

Evening sunrays fell on his face and made him look oddly divine. Even shocked face looked good on him.

"I am not sitting on the ground. Get up and sit inside the weaponry."

Even though weaponry was a few meters away, it looked likes miles to me. I liked at him and pouted, "I don't want to."

He shook his head and sternly said pointing a finger at the armory, "Get in."

Seeing no way out of it I said putting my hands in front, "Ok help me get up."

He looked at my hand and then at my face and a strange look formed on his face and it passed quickly. I felt like I just imagined it and then he said, "No." I brought my hand down.

I looked over to the soldier standing in front of the armory. At least he would help me. Because I don't even have the power to stand.

I looked over and asked, "Please help me." The soldier looked shocked that I even asked him. He looked towards his side as if expecting someone to pop out if thin air and then he looked at me and mouths 'I' pointing a finger towards himself.

I found his behavior quite cute. So, I smiled and nodded.

This complete interaction was seen by Duryodhan. When I saw him, he was in a trance like he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. As soon as the soldier started coming towards me. He got angry, like very angry.

He roared, "Stand where you are if you don't want your head served. The soldier was terrified of him and for a second even I feared for my life as he came near me with a determined look.

He bent down and picked me up in his arms. I was shell shocked, my eyes wide. I could feel tingles at the places where his arms touched me. Due to the fear of falling, I held onto him. One of my arms landed on his shoulder, and other near his neck.

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