Chapter 12

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When I heard the sizzling noise I broke out of the trance and went near the stove. There was a little moisture in one of them which made the noise. I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad that it did not happen. But what was even it?

I should not let my mind dwell on such thoughts. It would only lead to disasters. Instead, I started making maggie. I could feel Duryodhan's eyes on me the entire time. I tried to ignore it. Keyword: tried.

He was standing in the same corner, hands folded. I didn't know what he was waiting for and I did not have the courage to ask him, yet. So I tried to concentrate on maggie.

Maggie turned out great, just like the ones I made at home. I am a good chef, I know. I poured all of it in a large container (there was a lot of it).

I went towards the end of kitchen when I heard a voice, "What about me? Where is my share?"

I turned and said, "Your share? If I remember it correctly I was the one who made it."

"I made the fire."

"Did I ask you to?"

"Um, no. But I made it so I want my share."

"I am not going to give you anything." saying that I went out of kitchen. It was my maggie, only mine. I don't like to share things.

A hand came from side and snatched the container out of my hand. It was him, who else could it be?

He held the so high that I couldn't reached it even if I jumped and believe me I jumped. Damn his height, uggh.

After a minute or two of me trying to take it out of his hand and giving him very colorful unladylike swears, he started moving. A while after that I understood that he was going towards the window. Why though? I did not have to wonder long.

He held the Maggie container out of the window and said, "If you don't want to share no one will have it."

I went towards the window and tried to get hold of it. But his hand was too long for it. "You can try all you want but you know you cant get it."

I did not like to share my things but what I hated even more was me not getting anything out of it. So, I reluctantly agreed saying, "Ok, I'll share. Now take that bowl out of there."

"As you say, Princess." saying this he gave me my bowl. I thought of running away with it, but he would catch up soon and the Maggie could fall. So, I went to the kitchen, him trailing behind me. I took out another bowl and divided the Maggie equally and gave him his share.

I sat down there and then he did the same. He was the first one to take a bite of it. After eating he made a face and said, "What is this? How can you even eat it?"

I got so angry hearing that. How dare he eat my food and name it! "If you don't like it just give it to me." saying that I went towards him.

He hid his Maggie behind his back. "Don't you eat my share you greedy girl." Him saying this made me all the more angry. I just got up to leave, with my Maggie of course.

"Now, Why are you coming behind a greedy girl?" I asked him as I saw him trailing behind me.

"It is my palace I will go wherever I like." he said. Look at him so arrogant. I did not think that comment deserved a reply so I just went on my way, towards my quarters.

Then he came in front of me and said, "I want to show you something, come with me."

"I am not going anywhere with you just leave me alone." I said trying to find my way out, but as soon as I turned he would get in my way.

I got frustrated and said, "Hey, let me go."

Duryodhan said, "Why are you taking jokes seriously? Just leave it na."

"I am not taking your jokes seriously. I am already tired by today's training. I just want to eat and sleep now." I said.

"You can leave, after you come with me."

"You won't let me go without seeing it, will you?"


"Ok then, but only for 15 minutes then I go my way and you go yours."

"As you say, princess." he said with his infamous grin.


"You bought me here. At this time in the night. Really." I was not able to say anything else.

He bought me to a room filled with statues all of them being former kings of Hastinapur. Even though the sculptures were beautifully carved with gold and looked mesmerizing in the deem light of the lamps, he did not need to show this to me now.

He did not say a word and just walked in the halls. Then I too payed attention to the statues. I didn't know many kings but I recognized king Bharta and then king Pandu.

Father of Pandavas had a kind face; he looked like a good king. But none of the Pandavas look like him. Yudhishthir had a calm face with storms inside. Bheem like a coconut. Arjun is charismatic in whatever he does. The power he holds over the croud is unbelievable. Nakul looks very fun and beautiful, while Sehdev looked serene in an intelligent way.

It's wonderful how their personalities are so different and how they can be noticed easily. Yet they have a bond so strong which no one can break.

"Princess Aarohi, Come here." Duryodhan's voice brought me out of my trance.

Going towards him, I said, "I don't think formalities are necessary. Just call me Aarohi."

"You don't think that, do you?" He said chuckling. Thinking it was a rethorical question I ignored it. When I went near him, I saw that he was staring at an empty place.

"Is this where your father's statue will be place?" I asked him.

"No." He tensed and said abruptly. "My father won't be having any statue of himself here. He is a temporary king."

Then he looked in my eyes and said, "This will be where my statue will be placed."

I stared back at him, but after some time I couldn't bear the intensity and looking forward I said, "You shouldn't be so sure of yourself. "

"Do you doubt my abilities?" He asked.

"No," I said shaking my head still not looking at him. "No, I don't doubt your abilities. But, neither should you doubt your cousins abilities." It felt wrong not to warn him about the future, but I have watched enough dramas to know nothing good comes when you challenge your future. I don't even know where I stand in this place.

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards him, which made me look in his eyes. We were so near again. Why do we end up in such situations?

"Do you also think that I won't be a king?" He asked.

Not wishing to give an answer, I said, "Why does it matter what I think? After all I won't be here for long."

I don't know what made me say that, but it was the truth. I am not related to anyone here. I will need to go when their hospitality has reached its limits. I don't know where I will go either, maybe with krishna. What am I even doing here? All this questions were bombarded on me suddenly and I stopped thinking.

Duryodhan was playing with a strand of my hair, just twirling it around and constantly staring at it. I was just looking in his eyes, when he said, "And what if I don't want you to go?"

I am sure he meant it casually, but if he keeps saying I will be in a big mess. So, I stepped one step behind, looked at the statue of Pandu and asked him, "So this is what you came to show me. The place where your statue would be. If you are done I'll leave."

"No this was not all. Come with me." Saying that he went deeper in the hall. Kuru dynasty was so big, there were a lot of kings. In the end of the hall where the light was deem, I could see a staircase which was not visible before.

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