Chapter 14

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Don't move if you wish to live." A voice behind me said. I raised my hand and did not move at all.

"Why are you raising your hand? I told you not to move." He spoke. (It felt like a male voice.)

"Sorry" I whispered. I involuntarily did what I was supposed to do in my world. Well old habits die hard. I did not want any fight right now. I was in pain and just so tired. My room is so near, yet so far.


The alley through in which I was walking was not much illuminated. So, when I turned. I could not see who was standing. I could just see a dark figure.

My self-preservation kicked in then. I started babbling, "I don't know what you want but it can't be me. No, no it is not me. I am just-"

"What are you doing here?!" Well, that voice was of someone I knew. I cannot remember who. The person came forward and lo behold he was Arjun.

"I want to ask the same question? What are you doing here?" I asked as he should not be here either. It was a secret route for a reason.

"I live here. It makes sense that I know. But my question remains." He said folding his hands.

I literally have no answer and I am not going to dig a hole for Vidhi. So, I just say, "Is this the way guests are treated in your kingdom?"

"No, they aren't and neither do guests know secret passages of our kingdom." He said implying that I was doing something wrong.

"Think before you speak, Prince Arjun. I'm not someone whom you'd wish to mess with." I never did well with accusations.

"And neither am I"

I scoffed. I am tired of this drama, why can't I just go back? "If you are done speaking, I need to go." I pointed at the exit. Wrong move, because then he saw my bruised hand dripping blood.

"How did you get hurt?" as expected was his next question.

"It is none of your business."

"Well, it is. You are our guest and your safety means a lot."

"My privacy should also mean a lot then. Because, I will not answer."

"What is the problem with you? Why can't you just answer the questions I asked? I am not letting you go anywhere before you answer."

"You just do not believe what I say."

"Then just say something believable."

"You want to know how I got hurt right; it is simple, I fell."

"I have practiced enough weapons to know which injury is by what and the wound on your left hand is clearly by the wooden sword. So, when will you tell me who did it?"

"I told you before and I'll tell you now, whatever I do is none of your business. You asked me a question, and I answered it. I have no obligation to explain you anything more. So, don't poke your nose where it's not needed." Saying that I turned to leave.

On my way out he suddenly started saying, but I did not turn then, "I don't know why you think that I am the bad guy here, when clearly, I was just trying to check if a spy entered our kingdom. Keeping that aside, if you ever need any help do not hesitate to reach out to any of us Pandavas, we would help you with anything you need."

Without turning back, I said, "I will surely keep that in my mind," and left the place. While leaving I heard a sigh.

His words made me ponder on my actions, were Pandavas, really the bad guys here, and it also made me think from when did I even think of them as the bad people. Doesn't everyone make mistakes? Who am I to judge them of their mistakes? Some of them which aren't even made now.

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