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Dream didn't think he had a bad childhood he never thought his was any different to everyone else's, well to a point as in he was a prince and his friends were the children of the maids and guards.

But for Dream he was raised with the strict idealized rules of listen when told, speak when spoken to, don't second guess or talk back, never go against his father, and to never ever take off his mask without permission. The mask itself was a simple ceramic plate with two black dots and a curved line which ultimately looked like a smiling face.
First time he thought something was off was when he was 10 and his friends asked him why his father kept touching him, Dream was confused at that, he thought that his father was just overly affectionate but he said nothing so they stopped asking after a while of not getting answers but then had started asking about his mask, but just as the same as the other they stopped eventually from not getting answers and eventually stopped being his friend.
But his childhood isn't why he was in the conference hall going over battle plans with the generals and lords of the kingdom.

"If we take Sorrows Canyon then we can cut the AntarcticEmpire off before they reach Players Peak, it will cut 2 days off of the campaign and we can catch them by surprise.
We can take out their front main troops before they can even react then a straight full charge to the center, We can-" Dream was cut off by a fist being slammed into the hard dark oak of the table, and the one whose fist was the cause of the noise was his father's.

"Can you prove your reasonings or are they just your ideas that will turn into misconceptions that will lead to the Greater Essempi's ultimate down fall!, So Dream where is your proof that your theories will work?" The King had said while raising his voice, to say that Dream had flinched at the shouting would be an understatement, the king seeing Dream flinch had raised his hand to the air signifying that the meeting was postponed until tomorrow.

His father made a summoning motion with his hand "Dream come here" he said in an overly calm voice, Dream walked over to his father's side and stood there until he was pulled by the wrist to the position of straddling his father's lap.  His chin was roughly grabbed and pulled upward to look his father in his eyes. His mask pushed up uncomfortably "Dream your performance in the meeting today disappointed me, you humiliated me, are you trying to make a mockery of my name, and Take this damn mask off!" His fathers hand went from holding his chin to gripping his face roughly as he had ripped the mask off his face and slammed it into the table, Dream made note to look for bruises later.

"Dream I want you to apologize to me, you have 20 minutes go you know what I want"
His father had let go of his face and pushed him out of the chair falling to the floor with a hard Thud with the amount of force that was used. Dream nodded "Yes father" grabbed his mask putting it on and left to head to the kings chambers to get ready to apologize to his father in the  most sincerest way that he was thought how, once he got to his fathers chambers he headed to the washroom that was to the offhand side of the room in prime view of the bed chambers.

As his father had an affinity for wanting to be able to see anything and everything, he dropped his clothes to the side of the tub but gently placed his mask onto the table nearby and got in, the room smelt of Lavender and Myrrh as his father wanted him to always smell his best whilst his father smelt of rum and cigars. After around 15 minutes Dream got out of the tub and threw on an Emerald green robe with a gold seems and a golden embroidery of the kingdoms crest on the left breast pocket, the crest itself was a beautiful designed rams head with swords crossing behind and flowers creating the ringed border of the crest.

After putting on the robe Dream with still dripping hair he went to look in the mirror and as  he had been correct he had a bruise the shape of a hand print on either side of his face like someone had roughly grabbed it, in this case someone did. He walked away from the mirror at hearing the chambers door open and close with the click of a lock, "Mmm don't you look all dolled up for me" his father groaned out as he came to place his hands on Dreams hips "Hmm I don't like the robe it's getting in the way why don't we remove it then move on to you apologizing, how does that sound doll?"
His father moved his hands to the strip of silk holding the robe together and undid it letting the robe fall to the ground.

Dream let a small chill run over his body at being exposed to the cold air "Yes, father"
He was then led to the bed and roughly pushed onto the silky sheets, his father looking down at him from the edge of the bed while pulling at his suit "My my I am going to have so much fun making you scream" he said with a slight growl coming from his lips towards the end, and red eyes seemingly start to glow from excitement.

Dream was woken up the next morning by the sun shining through the silky curtains and onto his face, he groaned and looked to his side where his father was laying with his arm wrapped around Dreams waist holding him close. He grimaced at the contact and roughly shoved his fathers arm off and away from him, his father just groaned and rolled over "Fucking bastard" he spat while looking at his father sleeping peacefully beside him.

He got off of the bed and head straight to the washroom not caring for his nudeness he looked in the mirror and saw his bruised face, bruised lips, all the marks littering his skin, and could feel the scratches, feel, bite marks and the pain in his ass but decidedly ignored it like he always has after many years of this happening he has gotten use to it, gotten used to the many years of him having to 'apologize' as his father would say. He pushed himself away from the mirror and to the tub starting the water and adding the lavender and Myrrh oils making the heavenly smell that he hates so much, but he tolerates it because it's better than the smell of rum and cigars that his father leaves behind. Dream hissed as he lowered himself into the water feeling the sting of the warm liquid push into the scratches and bite marks, the sting eventually dies down as the water begins to sooth his tight and worn muscles.

"Dream" he turned his head at the call of his name seeing that his father, should he even call him that, had just woken up and was heading toward him "yes father?" Dream had said as to try and not anger him. "Ah I love this smell on you, it just smells hmm so divine, don't you agree doll?" His father said while bending down to press his face into Dreams neck to inhale the scent "Yes father" he said with a monotone voice not feeling like dealing with his father this morning as his anger is boiling to a raging point he is holding back punching his father in the face and breaking his nose.

Schlatt opened his eyes and smirked seeming the remains of the night before littered along Dreams skin, "Oh don't you just look so delightful, my marks belong on you like you belong to me" he inhaled once more and pushed himself away "Hurry this up we have another meeting with the Lords and Nobles today and this time I want you as eye candy instead of that horrible display of a general that you for some reason love playing so much" his father scoffed at the end of his sentence and walked off to get dressed and leave his chambers and leaving Dream to himself.

"Yes sir" Dream said through gritted teeth, after a while he got out of the tub and back into the main bed area to look for some clothes, only to see that there was some lain out on the bed for him, having realized that schlatt had probably left them there he sighed and got dressed. The outfit wasn't that bad just revealing it was made of lace and silk, the outfit itself was a emerald green dress a high slit on either side showing off his legs with a low hanging collar and open back hanging just above his ass, attached to the dress was a small chain running along his back connected to a golden choker, golden wristbands and anklets.

He sighed again and grabbed his mask and set off with the slam of the door, to the same place as yesterday. He marched down the halls ignoring the servants and their stares when he finally reached the room he walked in and could see that schlatt had an irritated expression, he quickly walked over his bare feet making a pitter patter sound on the marble floors. He placed his hands on Schlatt's shoulders and caressed down his arms "Ah! Dream you're finally here this was getting so incredibly boring without you" schlatt had said as he looked up at Dream and motioned for him to come and sit in his lap. Dream complied trying not to anger him and sat sideways across his lap with Schlatt's left hand rubbing the skin just shove his ass and his right pushing his mask up above his nose and shoved his thumb into Dreams mouth making him gag.

For the rest of the meeting Schlatt's kept his thumb inside of Dreams mouth while his left was progressively getting lower down his back. And as if the gods had heard his prayers a guard by the name of Sapnap if he was remembering correctly had come up and whispered something into schlatts ear "Fuck! Dream hurry go put your  armor on, the campaign starts now god dammit!" Schlatt had screamed roughly throwing him to the floor, Dreams head collided with the tiles making him slightly dizzy. "Yes sir!" He had hurriedly said while rushing to get off the floor and to his chambers quickly shoving off the dress and chains and into his uniform and armor grabbing his axe, sword and potions belt he slammed the door open and left to the courtyard.

It was time, time to win a war.

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