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It had been a few weeks after the ball, after the incident and after Eret and Fundy came back into Wilbur's life when the war started back and when he and his husbands received a knock on their bedroom door.
"Who the hell is it!" He yelled at the door only for a letter to be slid under and the sound of running to be heard, he groaned something about lazy servants and climbed over Phil kneeing him in the stomach only to be shoved off into the floor with a curse he got up and grabbed the letter opening it. "What's that?" He heard Techno say as he had just woken up, he didn't turn to look at his husband, he ignored him and continued to read.

"Holy shit, that bastard was right!" He gasped out waking Phil up in the process and both Phil and Techno coming to stand beside him and read the letter. "Well fuck mate" Phil said as he gently took the paper from Wilbur's hands Techno hasn't said anything yet only heading to lean against the desk. "Do you trust it?" Techno finally said after a minute of silence both Wilbur and Phil looked at him, they understand his hesitation on wanting to believe the Word of surrender that was dotted down in ink on the paper in Phil's hand because who would believe Schlatt, he is a traitorous lying bastard no good to his word.

"Eret said this would happen, he told me he gave Dream an ultimatum To Die or To Survive, and I think Eret wants us to choose for him" Wilbur could feel Phil's hand rubbing his arm as some form of comfort, "We need to kill Schlatt" Techno said and the silence was all that was needed to confirm his statement. "When?" Phil said as he let go of Wilbur to go stand by Techno, "It has to be soon" He won't mention it but he knows the other two could feel the tension building up in the room.

"Wilbur, we can't just go in Swords and shields raised just to go kill Schlatt, we can't just do that" Phil said, running a hand over his face "Why not?" Techno said looking over at Phil, "Because Tech we have to do this in a way that we won't cause unforeseen consequences for ourselves" He said looking over at Techno "But like why not? Cause I mean yes you were born into the Emperor role but Wilbur and I weren't. Wilbur used to be a revolutionary and a president of a nation and I used to be a Pit slave and a whipping bitch when I wasn't a military dog for Hypixel" Techno said as he pushed off from the desk to just idly walk in place needing to do something. Phil's face morphed into one of irritation and guilt, he looked down deciding not to say anything, "So we know that he is pulling his troops back to the capital, why don't we send out a letter saying we will be going there to talk over the surrender but show up a day early to catch him by surprise?" He said looking between Techno and Phil, Phil shrugged his shoulders and left out the door without saying a word and Techno nodded in agreement and started after Phil.

"Ugh we have our work cut out for us, this is all going to shit" he whined, dragging his hands down his face walking to the bed and flipping down face first into the silk fabric of the Duvet. After laying on the bed for about an hours unsuccessfully suffocating himself, as you can tell because he is currently at his desk writing up the letter to send back to Schlatt, he doesn't know where the fuck his husbands went off to and he doesn't care as he was trying to find the right words to use.

"TUBBO!!" He screamed trying to summon the boy, the door was slammed open and the said boy tumbled inside the room quickly getting up and to Wilbur's side, "Yes, your Highness do you need anything food, drink, more ink and paper?" He looked over at Wilbur to see if he was hurt somewhere "No no nothing like that and for the last time Tubbo call me Wilbur" he said with a laugh looking at the kids ever growing blush, "uh Um, yes Sir wait sorry. Yes Wilbur" Tubbo scratched the back of his neck ever seemingly growing more nervous by the second.

"Alright you're good with words correct? I need help trying to find some that won't make the letter sound wrong" he said looking back down at the paper, "Wilbur you do know I'm dyslexic right?" Tubbo said as he looked at Wilbur with a resting bitch face.
"Ahem yes of course I knew that, haha get out of here go, like seriously get out of here you little shit you're no help at all!" He said, voice raising slightly at the end. Tubbo laughed and shook his head saying a quick 'yes sir' and left the room leaving Wilbur to contemplate life again.

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