1 | The Danger Begins

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"Season 1. Episode 1."

Henry Danger.

I'm sitting in on my mattress as I read my book out of joy. As odd as it sounds, I have to hide my books from dad just because he hates them from past events; So I only read them when he's out and about.

He's at the store right now getting us some popcorn because my cravings for it is going over the top. I would get popcorn from the auto-snacker, but it broke months ago because dad tried to order to many things at once. Even though on lucky days, the auto-smacked might give us expired food in those events.

Reading has always been one of my favorite things to do in my free time, wither it's on my phone or paper. I tend to find myself reading my mother's old books a lot, dad told me she used to read all the time and even kept her old paper backs.

Considering she had Schwoz build her a library the last time dad blew up the Man Cave. I usually set in there when I'm upset, but not to read as odd as it sounds.

Rarely am I in there, besides to get her books. It's every time I walk into that room I feel guilt, it makes it difficult to set in there for a long period of time.

And that's why he hates books, he hates the sight of them, and almost just hearing about them. It reminds him of the past, of what he could've had now.

But it's the opposite for me, I enjoy it. I find pleasure in doing the things my mom enjoyed, it makes me feel like I still have a piece of her with me.

Distracting me from the lines between the pages, I felt the elevator door slam against the ground with a loud thud. I faded a grin onto my face, knowing I'm about to have a delicious treat in my hands.

I place a book marker on the page I left off on and jolted up from my bed hurriedly. I jumped into my fuzzy white slippers and sprinted down the halls, through the doors, then entering the main room.

"Hey, Dad! Where's the popco—" I attempted to say, but stopping at the sight of my father sitting down on our couch blasting music into his headphones; with no popcorn in the area.

I frowned angrily before stomping over to the couch and tugging on one side of the headset, yelling into his ear. "Dad!"

His eyes shot open with his head flipping over to face me. Just by the look on my face, he knew I was furious, so he just gave a weak corny smile.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice startled us from across the room. I release the headphones from my grasp as it flies back to my dads ear, giving him an accidental stinging pain.

"Ow!" He shouted slowly, hovering his hand over the aching spot. The pain reduced quickly, so he separated his hand and ear before looking over at the stranger in our Man Cave.

I look over to the stranger for my curiosity, noticing he has to be about my age; taller, blonde. He looked quite endearing. "Is this who you were talking about, dad?" I asked, knowing my father was looking for someone to hire.

He ignored my question completely as he threw his headphones off of his head, aiming for my arms to catch. I nearly miss the catch, but I brush it off. "Hey! How are you? Cool. Thanks. Great to meet you. I'm doing good. What's your name?" Dad questioned quickly.

Father's employee | Henry Hart x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now