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"Season 1. Episode 11."

Henry Danger.

"I just got asked out!" I cried to the room while storming out of the man caves elevator uncomfortably, holding the flowers he gave me.

Charlotte looks up from her pear-pad, turning her head to face mine. "Sidney?" she asks knowingly.

I wince at her knowledge. "Yeah, how did you know it was Sidney?" I question vaguely.

Her brows raise while her eyes avoid eye contact. "Uh.." she stammers. "Oliver's video!" the girl exclaimed.

"Oliver has a video posted about it?" I fold my arms as I survey Charlottes expressions.

"Mhmm." She hummed. "I can show you it in a few."

I give her a quick smile while passing her by, then setting myself down on the U shaped couch. I place the flowers on the table with ease.

The secret passageway opens up loudly, Henry entering out of it with a tank in his arms. "Man, how come we have to organize the stupid storage room?"

Henry peeps his head up from the tank, examining the room then peeking to the couch I was sitting on comfortably. Our eyes lock, yet his eyebrows furrow.

"Hey." Henry nods his head to me as he walks over to Charlotte, placing the object down next to her.

"Hey, Henry." I smile, giving him a small wave. He curls his lip.

Charlotte rolls her eyes. "If he's moody today, ignore him. He's being fussy." she states to me.

"Interesting." I replied in sarcasm. "How come?"

Charlotte forced her eyes to look up at Henry. "Let's just say he didn't get what he wanted."

The boy scoffs, looking down at his hands. "I didn't want it." he mumbled.

I look to her befuddled but I let it slip my mind. I pull one leg up to rest on the cushion, keeping the other down against the ground.

Charlotte groans. "Just tell me what that is so I can write it down." she hinted her pear-pad at the odd looking tank, laying still beside her.

"It's a big heavy thing with things on it." Henry proposed with no care, giving her a thumbs up before walking away to plop down on the couch beside me.

I scoot over, leaving room for him to sit. "Great. Another big thing that that's a thing with things on it." Charlotte sarcastically chanted.

Henry glances at the flowers lying in front of us. "What are those?" he points a finger at the plants that slightly withered down.

I groan. "Oh my gosh. Flowers Sidney gave me." I place my head down on the table exhaustingly, my arms hugging around me.

He folds his lips in. "That's cool." he jolts from the cushion beneath him, bringing him back up. He makes his way back over to Charlotte.

I lifted my head up to get a proper look at him, still resting myself on the table. I raised a brow, he left me pondering.

"Why does Ray have so many—" Henry had leaned against a machine, accidentally activating it.

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