4 | Chocolate Syrup.

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"Season 1. Episode 4."

Henry Danger.

"Charlotte, I can't come over; I'm grounded." I sighed, reminding the girl on the other line of my phone. Charlotte has been begging me to come over to Henry's house for the past 10 minutes, saying he's acting all depressed and dramatic.

"Please! I don't know what to do with him!" she whines through the line, her voice sounding distant as if she was looking back and forth from Henry to her phone.

I heard Henry in the background faintly shouting defensively at my friend Charlotte, hearing her gulp through my phone.

I exhaled a loud sigh, finally giving in to their pity party. "Fine. I'll try to figure something out. Cya then." I hang up the phone and brush my fingers in my hair, stressing on what to do.

I get up from my bed with a kick of my feet, throwing  on my white slippers. Walking out of my room as quietly as possible, making sure my footsteps weren't heavy.

I make it to the elevator, feeling all the pressure leave my body; happy I didn't run into any problems. Just before I click the button to open the doors, a distinctive accented voice is heard from across the room.

I put on a cheesy fake smile, slowly turning my torso around to face the shorter man. I waved awkwardly, becoming stiff. "Hey, Schwoz.."

His eyes light up at the sight of me, a beaming smile growing over him. "Hey, Y/N! Will you try my Schwozamole? It tastes different." Schwoz walks up to me, holding out the bowl full of chips and dip.

I politely push the bowl back to him with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Schwoz. I'm in a rush, maybe later?" I give a pleading look, hoping to get out of this quicker than the rate it's currently going.

He looks at me confused. "What is there to be in a rush for? Aren't you grounded?" He grabs a chip and shoves it into his mouth, munching on it loudly.

"Well, uh." I remain silent for a moment. I could swear I felt some sweat form on my forehead.

I cleared my throat, pushing the button on the elevator repeatedly fast. "My friend is... on fire!" the doors slide open, pushing myself into the caged room as quickly as possible.

"Bye, Schwoz!" I exclaimed, pressing the button inside to make the doors slide shut once again. I got a glimpse of his face the last second, showing he was confused more than ever.

I exhaled with relief, falling against the wall and letting it be my support beam. I closed my eyes up until I reach a stop on the top floor; where I walk into Junk-N-Stuff and dart towards Henrys house.

~~ 🤍 ~~

I'm standing in front of the Harts home, looking up at the tall structure. I go to the back and climb up the tree that leads to Henry's bedroom window; attempting to push it open, but it doesn't budge.

I sigh, knocking on the window with my knuckles that cause Charlotte jump in fright.

Henry happened to be sitting on the couch beside the window, so he raised himself up and unlocked the window for me to enter.

Father's employee | Henry Hart x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now