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Thunder rumbled in the distance as the rain poured, coating the vast green landscape with a new sense of life. The misty aroma of fresh air, rain, and nature wafted through the open window, where a girl sat in the windowsill watching the storm as it drew on. The sound of droplets hitting the ground rolled into her ears. A sound she loved dearly. This girl loved the rain. Especially in the countryside. I helped her think. It helped her relax in times of stress.

She was in a sense, grieving the loss of her mother, who disappeared a week prior. It was a stab to her heart, making the world seem colorless and dreary.

She couldn't imagine how her young sister felt. Their mother disappearing the night of her birthday.

The girl in the window closed her eyes as the thoughts of their mother's disappearance plagued her mind. Why had she left? Why would she leave her daughters alone in a world that they were not prepared for?

A voice broke the girl from her thoughts. Still sitting in the window, legs pulled to her chest, she turned to her sister whom stared from the doorway.

"Y/n. Um. I wanted to tell you that our brothers will be arriving tomorrow. They asked for us to meet them at the station." The sister said quietly, as to not disturb her sister.

"Thank you Enola. It will be nice to have them back home." Y/n said, just as quietly.

With that, Enola left the older Holmes to return to her thoughts.

Y/n returned to staring out the window as her mind was now flooded with thoughts of her brothers. Neither one of them has returned home since she was seven. Not once sending a letter or visiting their family home. Y/n thought of them every once in a while, curious as to how life is treating them. Enola would often share her newspaper clippings of Sherlock's cases but that was all she knew of him. Mycroft, she knew, was an old fashioned man and the head of the house although not living in it. He would often send money that their mother had asked for under false pretenses such as educators and servants.

Y/n wondered how the older boys felt about their mother leaving. She wondered what the boys would think of the girls in their current state, not having the "proper" education most young girls are expected to have. She wondered what the boys would think of their home. A house in which Y/n loved dearly. It's more cluttered than when the boys had last seen it. Vines growing along the sides of the exterior.

The questions of her mother and brothers overwhelmed her mind as she sighed. She stood from the windowsill, closing them so that her room wouldn't grow too cold over the night. She blew out her candle, before crawling into bed, to get some rest before the chaos that would surely come in the morning.



Sorry for the short chapter! The following chapters will be longer, I promise. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the book!

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