Chapter 5

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Y/n has once again taken her seat on her window frame, the window cracked enough to let some of the gentle breeze tickle her face. Her distant eyes stared at the white dots they call stars that painted the sky, the occasional streak flashing across them.

She was too anxious to sleep. Every time she tried, she would toss and turn under her covers, unable to get comfortable. After what seemed like hours of restlessness, Y/n gave up on that task and moved to her window, where she sat now.

Her mind wandered as she pulled her knees to her chest. What would it be like to be a star? Is it nice not having a care in the world? She didn't want to go to that horrid school later that morning. She didn't want Enola to go and have all her charms torn from her. But there was nothing she could do. She was a woman. Her voice was unheard. Not only was she a woman, but she was a woman with an old fashioned, controlling, infuriating older brother.

A loud creak broke Y/n from her thoughts. Her head snapped up to see who intrudes at this hour, only to find her younger sister standing in the doorway with a look of shock in her features, as if surprised by the noise. Enola quickly but quietly shuts the door with an excited look in her eye. Y/n quirked a brow in confusion.

"Tonight, my dear sister, we escape." She whispered, as if someone would hear her.

"What do you mean by that, Enola?" Y/n asked, matching her sister's volume. "And why are we whispering? Everyone is asleep on the other side of the house."

Enola smiled excitedly as she pulled out an envelope filled with money. "Mother left me a message in my birthday gift. I investigated and found this! She said 'Our future is up to us'! She wants us to follow our own path and not let others control us! We have to run away!" 

Y/n hesitated. Running away? That's absurd! That means leaving everything behind! But, she also doesn't want to go to that school and be brainwashed. And she did want to get Enola away from this insanity. She sighed. 

"Fine. But we must hurry before sunrise. And be quiet. I mean it, Enola." Y/n finally relented.

 Enola rushed off with more energy than before. She said something about disguising herself in Sherlock's old clothes from his youth. Y/n, having outgrown them, opted for her wardrobe. She opened the doors and scanned her clothing. 

Her brothers have never seen her in trousers. Might be the smart move. She grabbed one of her white blouses with ruffled cuffs and loose sleeves, and a pair of her brown trousers. She slipped on her clothing before going to her mirror and pulled her hair into a ponytail with a f/c ribbon. 

She grabbed a bag and began filling it with necessities. Her hairbrush, undergarments, some of her makeup. She decided that clothes would be too much and that they would buy some on the road. She went to her shelf and grabbed some of her books. Her book on herbs and their medical purposes, fungi, her sketchbook and pencils, and a couple other good reads. She grabbed a couple other things before turning to her room. 

This was most likely the last chance she'll see it. Her eyes scanned every inch, memories swirling her head. After a moment, she gathered herself and left her room to go find and meet up with Enola.


Its a shorter chapter, I know, but its something none the less. I really am going to try and update more frequently but I make no promises. 
- Cyrus

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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