Chapter 1

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Y/n eyes fluttered open, her eyes adjusting to the light. The morning sun rays sprinkled into her room. The storm from the night before seeming like it never happened aside from the water droplets on the leaves. She sighed as she rolled out of bed and walked to her window, opening it up for the morning air to enter her room. Her brothers will be arriving later that morning. She was a bot nervous. She hasn't seen or heard from them in ten years. She shook her nerves away and inhaled the fresh, dewy air. She will be fine. She will be strong.

She walked over to the worn, wooden wardrobe to find something to wear for the day. Her aray of dresses, shirts, and trousers hung before her. She started to riffle through them, trying to decide what to wear.

She settled on a simple dress with a cream colored skirt, white top, and a brown vest with floral embroidered into it that ties up the front.

She moved over to her vanity and sat in the simple chair that she had in front of it. She looked at her H/L H/C and huffed out a breath. Her hair didn't get to messed up in her sleep. She grabbed her brush, untangling the few tangles that was in her hair. She combed her fingers through it. The grabbed some pieces of hair and began to braid. When she finished, her hair was in a half up, half down look with two braids that connected in the back to become a small ponytail that rested on top of the rest of her hair. She looked at her reflection one last time in the mirror before nodding and getting up. She went to her shoes and put on her boots.

She ran down the stairs into the kitchen where tea and buttered toast waited for her, along with her sister.

"Good morning, Enola." Y/n smiled, as she sat next to her sister to beginning eating her breakfast.

"Good Morning! So I was thinking that we could ride our bikes to the station. I want to get better at it." Enola exclaimed, after frantically swallowing her tea upon seeing her older sister sit with her.

Y/n nodded as she sipped her own tea. "Sounds good to me."

Upon finishing their breakfast, the sisters got on their bikes and headed towards the station. Y/n had gotten the hang of riding a bike, while Enola was struggling a bit. Y/n burst into laughter upon seeing her fall into some mud. When Enola got up, Y/n got off her bike and walked over. Mud coated the side of Enola's face, hair, and a part of her blue dress. Y/n licked her sleeve and rubbed off some of the mud on her sister's face, unable to get all of it. Enola began to complain about Y/n mothering her to which Y/n simply laughed. They got back on their bikes and continued to the station.

They soon made it to their destination, leaning their bikes against the brick building and walking along the platform, searching for their brothers. Soon enough, the two men in question exited the train walking towards the girls. Y/n fixed her posture while Enola simply smiled. The men walked passed the girls, seeming to not have recognized them.

"Um. Mr. Holmes and, Mr. Holmes?" Y/n called after the men, as they continued to walk past them.

Upon hearing their names, the turned to see who had called them.

"Yes?" Sherlock responded.

"You sent for us? You sent a telegram. Asked us to meet you here?" Enola asked, stepping forward, messing with her hands anxiously.

The boys' eyes lit up with sudden recognition.

"Y/n and Enola." Sherlock stated, an eyebrow quirked and a smirk tugging on his lip.

"My god." Mycroft muttered, in horror. "Look at you. Such a mess. Where are your hats and gloves?"

Y/n stayed quiet, afraid of the eldest Holmes' scrutiny. Enola was not as afraid as the eldest daughter.

"Well I have a hat. It just makes my head itch. And we have no gloves." Enola stated, a smile on her face as if she thought Mycroft was being silly. Y/n simply looked down, suddenly embarrassed by her appearance and lack of ladylike behavior. 

"They have no gloves?" The eldest asked.

"Plainly not, Mycroft." The other brother replied.

"We didn't send for you, silly girls. We sent for the carriage. Did you at least bring it?" Mycroft said, his expression becoming expectant.

"Carriage?" Y/n asked, confused.

"Yes" He simply retorted.

"What carriage would you be wanting? I have a few in mind-" Enola rambled, before Mycroft interrupted her.

"The one I paid for!" Mycroft stated, raising his voice a bit.

"Right." Y/n mumbled, playing with the hem of her vest.

"I think you have us confused for another house." Enola continued.

Sherlock turned and called to a boy who seemed to be working at the station. "Boy! Fetch us a carriage!"

"Quickly!" Mycroft shouted, irritated with the girls.

Soon the carriage was being loaded with the boys luggage and the girls bicycles. They all loaded into the carriage themselves. Enola and Y/n sitting next to each other across from the two brothers. 

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