'Water Force'

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Imagine two puppets. Two strings controlled one puppet while ten strings controlled the other. Which one would have better movements when each and every string was fully utilized? Such was the state of Martial Harmony.

It normally required years of specialized training and monstrous talent in cultivation, none of which Will had. Will was a monster when it came to intent, the soul, and the Dao of water/sword, but he was only above average everywhere else. Innately having 6 open doors was far from being talented enough to achieve Martial Harmony; however, he had unique circumstances.

Yuan had the qualities of both mana and qi. Mana strengthened the mind and qi strengthened the body. Dual mind propagation coupled with synergy from having both his body and mind nourished by the 1st Door led to this situation.

In addition to one's body-movements, Martial Harmony also made one's usage of energy more efficient. Thus, even though opening the 1st Door was taxing, it was taxing to Will as I should be.

The idea behind most mystical martial arts is to deliver the most damage by borrowing the power of nature. A great martial artist can dead power from within, but a high invincible martial artist has the ability to use the strength of the environment around him.

Water was a solvent with numerous applications. Water also had the ability to transfer strength. People who can 'draw power' from a foreign body are said to be using a 'force.'

Soul Force is one such example. It's used to manipulate energy by linking ones soul with the Meridians and borrowing their power to drive energy.

Will was now using rain to draw strength. Although it was a stretch to call what he was doing using "Water Force" it's was not bad, especially considering it was his first time.

"Boy, you are really a wonder. A premature show of Water Force at such an age. But alas, if this is all you can do-kuh!"

In the middle of his speech, Jingsung Ha was forced to tense up his muscles and strengthen himself. His knees started to ring in despair as Will be pared down with more force.

'This boy, he is borrowing more and more energy from the rain around us. And not just that!'

At that moment a burst of yuan spread with Will as the epicenter. 2nd Door open! 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Doors we're all opened in an instant. A crater with the dip at the center appeared on the ground. Cracks spread like a myriad collection of spiderwebs that extended underground. But Jingsung still stood.

His knees to the point where he was almost half kneeling. He was holding his swords above shoulder level to draw some strength from the ground. Will was bearing down with all the energy and strength he could muster but all he could do was force Jingsung into a stalemate.

The latter had some shocks appear on his face but he quickly recovered, and didn't take long for the stalemate to finish.

"This is a surprised really. I didn't think I would have to end up doing this."

Will raised a brow and said, "Do what?"

Jingsung Ha replied, "Why, open my doors of course."

As soon as Will heard these words, a feeling of ill foreboding took over his body.

Jingsung Ha was forced to muster up as much strength as he could to force the blade down but it did little to help.

Slowly but surely, Jingsung's body started to rise as the calm qi within him started to rise like an unstoppable torrent seeking to destroy everything in it's path!

'This dude, he's opening his doors as well!'

Will tried to muster more strength but the endeavor seemed futile. It was as if his whole body was slowly losing ground in some sort of tug of war. Spiritually and mentally.

It was only when the duo were now standing equally that Jingsung finally relaxed.
Will was not familiar with using doors, not was he familiar with fighting those who could use them. Hence this was a valuable experience for him. He had slowed himself down and pushed Jingsung into a seemingly unnecessary confrontation but now his actions were bearing fruit. His opponent was now taking this more seriously. But as the wise sages said, 'Be careful what you wish for.'

Will sensed 7 open valves within his opponents body.

'He has opened 7 doors? Before level 100. That's serious.'

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