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                  𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 with Donna and Dani safe, Max was beginning to feel more and more like it was all his fault.

"Look, I want you to take Dani back to your house and don't let her out of your sight!" Max ordered Donna, who was using the sleeve of her sweater to stop her cheek from bleeding. Not only was she bleeding but she was starting to feel more drained by the minute. This was the most she had ever used her powers.

"Max, I'm not leaving you." Dani told her big brother, hold Binx in her arms.

"Neither am I. As much as you want to protect us, we're all in this fight together." Donna said back to Max who looked madder than a raging bull. Suddenly the back door to a bar opened up in the alley and they ducked to hide behind some crates. A man dressed as a pirate came out to get a lobster out of a tank then went back inside, the group a sighed in relief.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to either of you, this is my fault." Max continued, running a hand through his hair.

"Uh-oh." Binx warned as Donna opened her mouth to speak.

"Get down!" Max grabbed Dani by the shoulder and Donna by the hand and pulled them behind crates to hide again. The witches came creeping into the alley.

"I smell..." Mary sniffed the air like a dog.

"Yes?" Winnifred clung to her sister.

"Winnie, I smell...." Mary pointed her nose around and then let her face fall in disappointment. "I smell scrod." She sighed. "Scrod. It's a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with lovely bread crumbs, a little bit of margarine or olive oil is good..." She stuttered on, Winnifred looked unamused and took Mary by the face and dragged her away. Sarah stood squinting in the direction they hid but Winnifred beckoned for the blonde witch to follow. When they were out of sight, Donna moved out of her space. Taking the handle of an oven to stand up, the oven fell open with a loud bang. Max whipped back his head at her in fear.

"Shit." Donna muttered, scrunching her face up. She looked at the oven, then her eyes lit up with excitement. "I have an idea!" Donna told them excitedly. Max, Dani, and Binx followed Donna as she ran to the high school. They placed the most perfect trap one could ever think of, this trap would solve their little witch bitch problem. Donna had put Max in the office to let him speak over the loud speaker to mess with the witches, and Dani and Donna lured Winnifred, Mary, and Sarah to the kiln in the art room. Binx was around somewhere, probably finding mice. When inside, they locked the sisters in and turned the clay kiln on. While it was a dark idea, burning the witches, it was really the only thing that seemed to be an answer. Dani, Max, and Donna stood at the large heavy door listening to the sounds of their screams as they melted away. In excitement, the group of kids ran to the lawn of the school to celebrate.

"Farewell, Winnifred Sanderson!" Max shouted into the night sky, throwing his arms up and jumping around.

"Burn! Burn!" Dani screeched while cartwheeling in the grass, Donna spun around letting the wind whip her hair across her face. Max ran to Donna and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other over Dani's shoulders as they jumped and shouted together. They walked joyously together back to Max and Dani's house, it was the closest to the school. Halfway there, they stopped at the local park to run around in. Donna caught a glimpse of Binx and Max talking in the distance, but saw no more for Dani was spinning around Donna.

                  "Hey, Binx!" Max shouted as the black cat trotted away from the trio. "Where do you think you're going? You're a Dennison now, buddy. One of us." Max beamed at the cat he had once called stupid.

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