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Max and Lewis both travelled together to the hotel as both Red Bull and Mercedes had booked the same hotel for that weekend. However they made sure to arrive separately to the hotel as they didn't want to fuel any rumours that were already surrounding Max.

Lewis got to the hotel first, followed by Max about 15 minutes later. When Max had put his stuff in his room he immediately went to find the room of his partner. Max knew that Lewis was on the floor above him he just needed to find the right door number that Lewis had helpfully sent to him. As he was walking on the floor that Mercedes occupied, he came across George Russell.

'Max, what are you doing up here'
'Erm, what do you mean'
'This is the Mercedes floor'
'Oh, really I nust have gotten off in the wrong floor then'
'Ah, no worries it happens to everybody, while your up here do you want to hang out'
'Sure, let me just let the team know where I am'

Max didn't let the team know, instead he let someone else know

To Lew 💖: I just got taken by your teammate
From Lew 💖: What u mean
To Lew 💖: when I was going to find u, I ran into him
From Lew 💖: no worries, we'll just have to meet later instead
To Lew 💖: Fine by me, I mean we did just see eachother not long ago
From Lew 💖: Exactly

Max exited his messages

'Right, that's done'
'Good come on, let's go and play FIFA'
'Your on'

Max spent a good hour and a bit playing FIFA with George before there was a knock on the door. The door opened to reveal Lewis at the door. There was a sharp intake of breath from George, as everyone thought that Max and Lewis hated eachothers guts.

GR- 'Ah Lewis, what do you want'
LH- 'Toto wants to see you, I think it was about a contact'
GR- 'Oh, I'd better go then, sorry Max'
MV-'No problem, I'll better leave as well then'

George, Max and Lewis all left the room, while George went to see Toto, Max and Lewis made their way to Lewis's hotel room.

'It cracks me up, seeing the drivers faces when we appear in the same room together'
'I know, it's like they think that we are going to kill eachother or something'
'More like, fuck eachother'
'Yes, which is what we should be doing now'

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